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File metadata and controls

89 lines (68 loc) · 3 KB


Organize package.json in a large monorepo.


npm install --dev packlint

or with yarn

yarn add --dev packlint


Packlint has two main features now. Sort package.json in custom order (or recommended order by default). Add or modify fields by applying merge rule. (ex: if you want to change build script of all packages in your large monorepo)

    $ packlint

    --recursive,-R            Apply packlint to all sub-packages in repo recursively

    (default)                 Apply all rules in config
    merge                     Apply merge rules in config
    sort                      Apply order rules in config

    $ packlint
    $ packlint -R
    $ packlint merge
    $ packlint merge -R
    $ packlint sort
    $ packlint sort -R


The Packlint configuration file is named packlint.config.mjs. It should be placed in the root directory of your project and default export configuration object. For example:

// packlint.config.mjs
export default {
  files: ['./packages/**/package.json'],
  ignores: ['./package.json'],
  rules: {
    merge: {
      type: 'module',
      scripts: {
        prepack: 'yarn build',
        build: 'rm -rf dist && tsup ./src/index.ts --format esm --dts',
        dev: 'yarn run build --watch',
        typecheck: 'tsc --noEmit',
      publishConfig: {
        access: 'public',

Configuration Object

  • files - An array of glob patterns indicating package.json that the configuration object should apply to. If not specified, default to './package.json'.

  • ignores - An array of glob patterns indicating the files that the configuration object should not apply to. If not specified, the configuration object applies to all files matched by files.

  • extends - A path to the other configuration file. Only the rule will be extended and will be merge with mergeDeepRight function.

  • rules - An object containing the configured rules. When files or ignores are specified, these rule configurations are only available to the matching files.

    • order - An array of strings indicating the order of package.json keys. The sort command uses this rule to sort package.json by keys. If not specified, the recommended order will be applied by default.

    • merge - An object that is merged with package.json. The merge command uses mergeDeepRight function, and the first object is package.json, and the second one is this object.

      Creates a new object with the own properties of the first object merged with the own properties of the second object. If a key exists in both objects:

      • and both values are objects, the two values will be recursively merged
      • otherwise the value from the second object will be used.

In Package.json

  • If you set packlint: false in package.json, it will be ignored from applying packlint.