Initial checklist
- I understand this is a bug report and questions should be posted in the Community Forum
- I searched issues and couldn’t find anything (or linked relevant results below)
Link to runnable example
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Steps to reproduce
Choose a remote provider such as Google Drive with AwsS3 as the uploader and uploading files will always be 's3-multipart' even with shouldUseMultipart set to false.
Expected behavior
In previous versions as we recently upgraded from v3 to v4 of Uppy it used 'multipart' and not 's3-multipart' for uploading remote files. I would expect this to still be the case or that you can choose with either passing in the protocol, or with shouldUseMultipart being set to false. This is a problem as we generate the pre-signed urls beforehand to upload to and does not fit nicely in our flow to have to switch to 's3-multipart'.
Actual behavior
When AwsS3 is the uploader, uploading files from remote sources like Google Drive will always be 's3-multipart' instead of 'multipart' even with shouldUseMultipart set to false.