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Releases: triggerdotdev/[email protected]

18 Sep 10:29
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Patch Changes

  • 3d53d4c: Fix an issue where a missing tsconfig.json file would throw an error on dev/deploy[email protected]

18 Sep 21:10
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18 Sep 16:32
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Patch Changes[email protected]

18 Sep 10:29
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Patch Changes

[email protected]

17 Sep 09:47
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Patch Changes[email protected]

17 Sep 09:47
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17 Sep 09:47
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17 Sep 09:47
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2.1.0 – runTask changes and creating integration improvements

06 Sep 18:03
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runTask changes ( 2.1.0+)

The most important change to be aware of is that we've moved the options param to the third param, and made it optional. When you upgrade your package, you will need to change the order (or if you want you can remove the options).

//old package ( v2.0.14)
const response = await io.runTask(
  //this param is required, name is required, and it's before the callback
  { name: "My Task" },
  async () => {
    return await longRunningCode(payload.userId);

//new package ( v2.1.0)
const response = await io.runTask(
  async () => {
    return await longRunningCode(payload.userId);
  //options are third, and they're not required. name isn't required, if you do pass options.
  { name: "My Task" }

This change was made because it was sometimes annoying having to come up with a Task name, when there wasn't a good one. It also moves the most important param, the actual code you want to run, earlier.

New docker image: v2.1.0

If you're self-hosting you'll need to update to the latest image, before you update your packages to the latest. There are new API endpoints that the new packages use, as well as database migrations.

Integration improvements

Less rigid structure and generic support

Previously integrations had quite a rigid structure. Tasks could only live at the top-level. This also meant we couldn't do nice generic type support.

It meant we had slightly awkward names for some of the function calls as well.

//old package ( v2.0.14)
const models = await io.openai.listModels("list-models");

//new package ( v2.1.0)
//this still works
const models = await io.openai.listModels("list-models");
//this is new, and closely matches the official SDK structure
const models = await io.openai.models.list("list-models");

We've made sure that the new integration packages are all backwards compatible. You won't need to update your code to use the more structured Tasks.


All the integrations now have a runTask function that allows you to more easily use a native SDK function we don't support:

const price = await io.stripe.runTask(
  async (client, task) => {
    //client is the authenticated Stripe SDK
    return client.prices.create(
        unit_amount: 2000,
        currency: "usd",
        product_data: {
          name: "T-shirt",
        idempotencyKey: task.idempotencyKey,
  //this is optional, it will appear on the Run page
  { name: "Create Price" }

Creating integrations

It's now easier to make them, as we've dropped the concept of AuthenticatedTasks. It's more intuitive and like regular code you're used to writing. The guide in the docs on creating integrations needs updating still, but will be done soon including how to add webhooks (currently missing).

Airtable integration (but no webhooks… yet)

The integration changes were required to give a great experience with Airtable. You can set the types of your Table and then use the SDK with nice types.

const airtable = new Airtable({
  id: "airtable-oauth",

//The types for my table
type Status = "Live" | "Complete" | "In progress" | "Planning" | "In reviews";
type LaunchGoalsAndOkRs = {
  "Launch goals"?: string;
  DRI?: Collaborator;
  Team?: string;
  Status?: "On track" | "In progress" | "At risk";
  "Key results"?: Array<string>;
  "Features (from 💻 Features table)"?: Array<string>;
  "Status (from 💻 Features)": Array<Status>;

  id: "airtable-example-1",
  name: "Airtable Example 1: getRecords",
  version: "0.1.0",
  trigger: eventTrigger({
    name: "airtable.example",
    schema: z.object({
      baseId: z.string(),
      tableName: z.string(),
  integrations: {
  run: async (payload, io, ctx) => {
    //set the type on the table
    const table = io.airtable.base(payload.baseId).table<LaunchGoalsAndOkRs>(payload.tableName);

    //now everything that uses table has nice types
    const records = await table.getRecords("multiple records", { fields: ["Status"] });
    await io.logger.log(records[0].fields.Status ?? "no status");

    const aRecord = await table.getRecord("single", records[0].id);

    const newRecords = await table.createRecords("create records", [
        fields: { "Launch goals": "Created from", Status: "In progress" },

    const updatedRecords = await table.updateRecords(
      "update records", => ({
        fields: { Status: "At risk" },

    await io.wait("5 secs", 5);

    const deletedRecords = await table.deleteRecords(
      "delete records", =>

That Job:

  1. gets all the records (rows)
  2. gets a single record
  3. create a new record
  4. updates the record that was just created
  5. waits 5 seconds
  6. deletes the record that was created/updated

Unfortunately Airtable webhooks aren't quite ready yet. Airtable send such frequent webhooks, like when a user is typing in a cell, we need to batch the updates together so we're triggering tons of runs. They're coming soon though.

Package updates

All of the packages have been updated to 2.1.0.


Upgrading all your packages with the CLI

To upgrade to the latest packages, run npx update

2.0.1 - Fixes and improvements

06 Sep 12:08
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This release fixes various issues with run executions, including a pretty gnarly memory bloat issue when resuming a run that had a decent number of completed tasks (e.g. anything over a few). This has been released to but if you are self-hosting I recommend upgrading to this version ASAP.

Other notable fixes:

  • Run executions no longer are bound to a queue, which will allow more parallel runs in a single job (instead of 1). @ericallam
  • Serverless function timeouts (504) errors are now handled better, and no longer are retried using the graphile worker failure/retry mechanism (causing massive delays).
  • Fixed the job_key design of the performRunExecutionV2 task, which will ensure resumed runs are executed
  • Added a mechanism to measure the amount of execution time a given run has accrued, and added a maximum execution duration on the org to be able to limit total execution time for a single run. The default is 15 minutes and is stored in the Organization.maximumExecutionTimePerRunInMs column
  • Improved the dashboard performance when viewing a run with large task outputs. The perf issue was on account of syntax highlighting so any task with an output of greater than 1k lines will forego syntax highlighting.
  • #394 : Reduced graphile worker load by decreasing max attempt counts on tasks that hit development endpoints (thanks @Chigala!)