The example presents a simple Multi-Layer model implemented in TensorFlow2
Example consists of following scripts:
- start the model with Triton Inference
- execute HTTP/gRPC requests to the deployed model
The example requires the tensorflow
package. It can be installed in your current environment using pip:
pip install tensorflow
Or you can use NVIDIA TensorFlow container:
docker run -it --gpus 1 --shm-size 8gb -v {repository_path}:{repository_path} -w {repository_path} bash
If you select to use container we recommend to install NVIDIA Container Toolkit.
The step-by-step guide:
- Install PyTriton following the installation instruction
- Install the additional packages using
- In current terminal start the model on Triton using
- Open new terminal tab (ex.
Ctrl + T
on Ubuntu) or window - Go to the example directory
- Run the
to perform queries on model: