Now you need to add a protection rule on the repositor(y/ies), for that you create or edit existing repository environments and add the protection rule to the environment(s) you want to protect.
The detailed steps are described in the GitHub documentation.
In order to configure the gates you need to store a YAML file with the gate rules in the repository. The file must be stored in the .github
folder in the repository root. The name of the file depends on the gate.
Warning If the configuration file doesn't exist the gate will reject the deployment.
NOTE The configuration file is always read from the HEAD of the default branch.
The deploy gates are configured in the file .github/deployhours-gate.yml
, the file contains the following attributes:
(optional. Boolean). If the repository is in lockout mode the gate will reject all deployments, otherwise the rules will be evaluated.DeployDays
(optional. Array of strings). The days of the week when deployments are allowed. If no value is then["Monday","Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday"]
will be used by default.Rules
(mandatory. Array of objects). The rules to evaluate (order is not important). Each rule has the following attributes:Environment
(mandatory. String). The name of the environment to evaluate the rule,if left empty the rule will be evaluated for all environments (unless a specific rule for the environment is found)DeploySlots
(mandatory. Array of objects). Time Slots in which deploys are allowed (at least one). Each slot has the following attributes:Start
(mandatory. String). The start time of the slotEnd
(mandatory. String). The end time of the slot.
The times are in the format HH:mm:ss
(24 hour format defined in UTC). Seconds can be skipped.
Warning Do not use 24:00 as the end time, use 23:59 instead.
Example of a configuration file
# Are we currently in a lockout? This will reject any deployment regardless of all other conditions
Lockout: false
# Valid Days
# "Monday","Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday","Sunday"
# Only needed if you want to override default value
# Default: (monday through friday)
DeployDays: ["Monday","Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday","Saturday", "Sunday"]
# Leave environment value empty so the rule applies to any environment (if no match for a specific environment is found)
# Times are in UTC (24H)
- Environment: # This will apply to all environments but production since it has a specific rule
- Start: 08:00
End: 10:15
- Start: 15:00
End: 17:30
- Start: 18:00
End: 23:59
- Environment: production
- Start: 08:00
End: 12:10
The issues gates are configured in the file .github/issues-gate.yml
, the file contains the following attributes:
(mandatory. Array of objects). The rules to evaluate (order is not important). Each rule has the following attributes:Environment
(mandatory. String). The name of the environment to evaluate the rule,if left empty the rule will be evaluated for all environments (unless a specific rule for the environment is found), each rule can have three attributes:WaitMinutes
(optional. Integer). The number of minutes to wait before evaluating the rule. If omitted the rule will be evaluated immediately.Search
See Configuration for SearchIssues
See Configuration for Issues
You can configure either Search
or Issues
or both. If you configure both the gate will evaluate both rules and if any of them fails the deployment will be rejected (issues are evaluated first)
The search performed a search just like you would perform on the GitHub UI. Although you can search for any item on GitHub this capability restricts the search to issues.
Use only search if Issues
is not enough for your needs.
For more information read the GitHub documentation on search.
The search has the following attributes:
(mandatory. Integer). The maximum number of issues allowed to be found by the search. If the number of issues found is greater than this value the gate will reject the deployment.Message
(optional. String). The message to display when the gate rejects the deployment. If ommited the message will beYou have $NRISSUES issues, this exceeds maximum number $MaxAllowed in configured $LINKTOSEARCHINUI.
(mandatory. String). The query to perform. The query is the same as the one you would perform on the GitHub UI.OnlyCreatedBeforeWorkflowCreated
(optional. Boolean). If true only issues created before the workflow run was started will be considered. If false all issues will be considered.
NOTE Make sure you either include the repo or the organization in the query otherwise the search will be made on entire GitHub.
Warning Search is a more expensive call and has a very low rate limit. Use it wisely.
The configuration for issues has the following attributes:
(mandatory. Integer). The maximum number of issues allowed to be found by the search. If the number of issues found is greater than this value the gate will reject the deployment.Message
(optional. String). The message to display when the gate rejects the deployment. If ommited the message will beYou have $NRISSUES issues, this exceeds maximum number $MaxAllowed in configured query.
(Optional. String). The state of the issues to consider. Valid values areOPEN
(Optional. String). The repository to search for issues. If omitted the current repository will be used. If specified it must be in the formatowner/repo
and the gate has to be installed on that repository.Assignee
(Optional. String). The user to search for issues assigned to. If omitted assignee(s) are not relevant.Author
(Optional. String). The user to search for issues created by. If omitted author is not relevant.Mention
(Optional. String). The user or team to search for issues mentioned in. If omitted mention is not relevant.Milestone
(Optional. Integer). The milestone number (not name) to search for issues in.- If omitted milestone (or empty) is not relevant, issues with or without a milestone will be considered.
- Use
issues that have any milestone set. - Use
to search for issues with no milestone.
(Optional. Array of strings). The labels to search for issues with. If omitted labels are not relevant.OnlyCreatedBeforeWorkflowCreated
(optional. Boolean). If true only issues created before the workflow run was started will be considered. If false all issues will be considered.
Sample configuration file with all the options:
# Leave environment value empty so the rule applies to any environment (if no match for a specific environment is found)
- Environment:
# Search is more expensive and has a very low rate limit. Use wisely.
MaxAllowed: 5
# Message: You have too many open show stoppers # (optional)
Query: 'is:open repo:mona/lisa label:show-stopper'
OnlyCreatedBeforeWorkflowCreated: true
# Local env
- Environment: production
# Time to wait until the gate is evaluated
# WaitMinutes: 5
MaxAllowed: 0
# Message: You have too many open show stopper bugs # (optional)
State: "OPEN"
# Repo: # If omitted current repo will be used
# Assignee: ""
# Author: ""
# Mention: ""
# Skip Milestone parameter or * for any milestone, value for a specific milestone (NUMBER not label)
# Milestone: "1" # Milestone number (not label)
- show-stopper
OnlyCreatedBeforeWorkflowCreated: true