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The mqtt prefix is configurable within AquaMQTT/include/config/ExampleConfiguration.h:

constexpr char     mqttPrefix[]     = "prefix/";

Using the prefix, the $root topic is created, which is $prefix/aquamqtt/ and used by all of the below messages.

Publish Topics

AquaMQTT / Statistics

Value MQTT Topic Format Unit Other Information
Last Will $root/stats/lwlState Enum ONLINE, OFFLINE -- retained
OperationMode $root/stats/aquamqttMode Enum LISTENER, MITM
Active Overrides (HMI) $root/stats/activeOverrides json Active Overrides are flagged either with 1 (overridden) or 0 (not overridden) Example Payload: { "operationMode": 0, "operationType": 0, "waterTempTarget": 0, "heatingElementEnabled": 0, "emergencyModeEnabled": 0, "configInstallation": 0 , "time/date": 1 }
Active Overrides (MAIN) $root/stats/activeOverridesMain json Active Overrides are flagged either with 1 (overridden) or 0 (not overridden) Example Payload: { "statePV": 1, "stateSolar": 1 }
Override Modes $root/stats/overrideMode Enum STANDARD, PV HP, PV HE or PV BOOST. See for additional information.
Flag PV heat pump $root/stats/flagPVModeHeatPump bool Status of the pv heat pump flag. See for additional information.
Flag PV heat element $root/stats/flagPVModeHeatElement bool Status of the pv heat element flag. See for additional information.
IP Address $root/stats/ipAddress string e.g.
RSSI $root/stats/rssiDb int dB
Message Protocol Version $root/stats/protocolVersion string LEGACY, NEXT
Messages OK $root/stats/$channel/msgHandled uint64 Disabled by default. Set MQTT_PUBLISH_SERIAL_STATISTICS in Configuration.h to true.
Messages IGNORED $root/stats/$channel/msgUnhandled uint64 Disabled by default. Set MQTT_PUBLISH_SERIAL_STATISTICS in Configuration.h to true.
Messages CRC NOK $root/stats/$channel/msgCRCNOK uint64 Disabled by default. Set MQTT_PUBLISH_SERIAL_STATISTICS in Configuration.h to true.
Dropped Bytes $root/stats/$channel/droppedBytes uint64 Disabled by default. Set MQTT_PUBLISH_SERIAL_STATISTICS in Configuration.h to true.

$channel is either hmi and main or listener depending on the AquaMQTT operation mode.

HMI Message

Value MQTT Topic Format Unit Other Information LEGACY NEXT
Target Water Temperature $root/hmi/waterTempTarget float °C ✔️ ✔️
Operation Mode $root/hmi/operationMode Enum AUTO, MAN ECO ON, MAN ECO OFF, BOOST, ABSENCE ✔️ ✔️
Operation Type $root/hmi/operationType Enum TIME WINDOW, ALWAYS ON ✔️ ✔️
Operation Time Window A $root/hmi/timerWindowA string e.g. 22:00-06:00 ✔️ ✔️
Operation Time Window B $root/hmi/timerWindowB string e.g. 04:00-08:00 ✔️ ✔️
Current Time $root/hmi/time string e.g 09:11:59 Disabled by default. Set MQTT_PUBLISH_HEATPUMP_TIME_AND_DATE in Configuration.h to true. ✔️ ✔️
Current Date $root/hmi/date string e.g 07.09.2023 Disabled by default. Set MQTT_PUBLISH_HEATPUMP_TIME_AND_DATE in Configuration.h to true. ✔️ ✔️
Emergency Mode Enabled $root/hmi/emergencyMode bool ✔️ ✔️
Heating Element Enabled $root/hmi/heatingElementEnabled bool ✔️ ✔️
Anti-Legionella Mode $root/hmi/antiLegionellaPerMonth uint8 0 (off), 1 (once per month), etc ✔️ ✔️
Configuration AirDuct $root/hmi/configAirduct Enum INT/INT, INT/EXT, EXT/EXT ✔️ ✔️
Configuration FanExhaust $root/hmi/configFanExhaust Enum STOP, LOW SPEED, HIGH SPEED Note: Only available in AirDuct mode INT/EXT ✔️ ✔️
HMI SetupState $root/hmi/setupState Enum OK, PARTIAL RESET, FACTORY RESET ✔️
PV Input Activated $root/hmi/pvInputActivated bool ✔️ ✔️
Raw Message (Debug Mode Only) $root/hmi/debug string ✔️ ✔️

Main Message

Value MQTT Topic Format Unit Other Information LEGACY NEXT
Present Error Code $root/main/errorCode uint8 0 if there is no present error, else the error-code ✔️
Current Water Temperature $root/main/waterTemp float °C ✔️ ✔️
Supply Air Temperature $root/main/supplyAirTemp float °C ✔️ ✔️
Lower Evaporator Air Temperature $root/main/evaporatorAirTempLower float °C ✔️ ✔️
Upper Evaporator Air Temperature $root/main/evaporatorAirTemp float °C ✔️ ✔️
Compressor Outlet Temperature $root/main/compressorOutletTemp float °C ✔️
Fan-Level PWM $root/main/fanPWM float % ✔️ ✔️
State: Fan On/Off $root/main/stateFan bool ✔️ ✔️
State: Heatpump On/Off $root/main/stateHeatpump bool ✔️ ✔️
State: Heating Element On/Off $root/main/stateElement bool ✔️ ✔️
State: Boiler Backup On/Off $root/main/stateExtBoiler bool ✔️ ✔️
State: Defrost On/Off $root/main/stateDefrost bool ✔️ ✔️
State: Solar Input Signal Detected $root/main/stateSolar bool ✔️ ✔️
State: PV Input Signal Detected $root/main/statePV bool ✔️ ✔️
Setting: 1st Fan-Level PWM $root/main/settingPWM_1 uint8 % ✔️
Setting: 2nd Fan-Level PWM $root/main/settingPWM_2 uint8 % ✔️
Setting: 3rd Fan-Level PWM $root/main/settingPWM_3 uint8 % ✔️
Setting: Min. Target Temp $root/main/settingMinTargetTemp uint8 °C ✔️
Setting: Min. Anti-Legionella Temp $root/main/settingMinLegionellaTemp uint8 °C ✔️
Setting: Wattage Heat Element $root/main/settingWattageElement uint16 W ✔️
Setting: Boiler Capacity $root/main/settingBoilerCapacity uint16 l ✔️
Setting: Boiler Brand $root/main/settingBoilerBrand Enum Atlantic, Thermor, Sauter, No Name ✔️
Capability: Has Heat Exchanger $root/main/capabilityHeatExchanger bool ✔️
Capability: Has Circulation $root/main/capabilityCirculation bool ✔️
Capability: Has PV-Input $root/main/capabilityPVInput bool ✔️
Capability: Has Communication $root/main/capabilityCommunication bool ✔️
Capability: Has Anti-Dry-Heating $root/main/capabilityAntiDryHeating bool ✔️
Raw Message (Debug Mode Only) $root/main/debug string ✔️ ✔️

Energy Message

Value MQTT Topic Format Unit Other Information LEGACY NEXT
Total Heatpump Hours $root/energy/totalHeatpumpHours uint32 h retained ✔️ ✔️
Total Heating Element Hours $root/energy/totalHeatingElemHours uint32 h retained ✔️ ✔️
Total Hours $root/energy/totalHours uint32 h retained ✔️
Total Energy $root/energy/totalEnergyWh uint64 Wh ✔️ ✔️
Total Water Production $root/energy/totalWaterProduction uint16 l Note: Expected to wrap-around at UINT16_MAX ✔️
Current Power Heatpump $root/energy/powerHeatpump uint16 W Note: It is possible to define an additional custom mqtt topic for this attribute within Configuration.h ✔️
Current Power Heating Element $root/energy/powerHeatingElem uint16 W Note: It is possible to define an additional custom mqtt topic for this attribute within Configuration.h ✔️
Current Power Total $root/energy/powerTotal uint16 W ✔️ ✔️
Observed Maximum Air Temperature $root/energy/diagAirTempMax int8 °C ✔️
Observed Minimum Air Temperature $root/energy/diagAirTempMin int8 °C ✔️
Observed Maximum Evaporator Upper Temperature $root/energy/diagEvaUpperMax int8 °C ✔️
Observed Minimum Evaporator Upper Temperature $root/energy/diagEvaUpperMin int8 °C ✔️
Observed Maximum Evaporator Lower Temperature $root/energy/diagEvaLowerMax int8 °C ✔️
Observed Minimum Evaporator Lower Temperature $root/energy/diagEvaLowerMin int8 °C ✔️
Observed Maximum Compressor Outlet Temperature $root/energy/diagCompressorMax int8 °C ✔️
Observed Minimum Compressor Outlet Temperature $root/energy/diagCompressorMin int8 °C ✔️
Observed Maximum Water Temperature $root/energy/diagWaterTempMax int8 °C ✔️
Observed Minimum Water Temperature $root/energy/diagWaterTempMin int8 °C ✔️
Raw Message (Debug Mode Only) $root/energy/debug string ✔️

Error Messages

Collected Error Messages are provided to mqtt, the latest/recent occurred error is always error number == 1. The values within the message reflect the state when the error has been created.

Value MQTT Topic Format Unit Other Information LEGACY NEXT
Error Number $root/error/%requestId/errorNumber uint8 ✔️ ✔️
Error Code $root/error/%requestId/errorCode uint8 ✔️ ✔️
Date $root/error/%requestId/date string e.g. 25.5.2024 ✔️
Time (hh:ss) $root/error/%requestId/time string e.g. 21:29 ✔️
Water Temperature $root/error/%requestId/waterTemp float ✔️
Lower Evaporator Air Temperature $root/error/%requestId/evaporatorAirTempLower float ✔️
Upper Evaporator Air Temperature $root/error/%requestId/evaporatorAirTemp float ✔️
Fan-Level PWM $root/error/%requestId/fanPWM uint8 % ✔️
Total Heatpump Hours $root/error/%requestId/totalHeatpumpHours uint16 ✔️
Total Heating Element Hours $root/error/%requestId/totalHeatingElemHours uint16 ✔️
Raw Message (Debug Mode Only) $root/error/debug string ✔️ ✔️

Subscribe Topics

Using this topics you may override the HMI Controller in AquaMQTT OperationMode Man-In-The-Middle. Currently these are the only ones implemented. If you need more overrides, feel free to raise an issue or even provide an PR.

Value / Action MQTT Topic Format Unit Example Payload Other Information
Target Water Temperature $root/ctrl/waterTempTarget float °C "55.0" Overrides the water temperature target: Allowed range is from 20°C to 62°C.
Operation Mode $root/ctrl/operationMode Enum "BOOST" Overrides the operation mode, may affect the waterTempTarget. For example BOOST and ABSENCE will automatically set the waterTempTarget accordingly.
Operation Type $root/ctrl/operationType Enum "ALWAYS ON" Overrides the operation type
Installation Config $root/ctrl/configInstallation Enum "HEAT PUMP ONLY", "BOILER BACKUP / HEAT PUMP PRIORITY"", "..." Overrides the installation config
AirDuct Config $root/ctrl/configAirduct Enum "INT/INT", "INT/EXT", "EXT/EXT" Overrides the air duct config
FanExhaust Config $root/ctrl/configFanExhaust Enum "STOP", "LOW SPEED", "HIGH SPEED" Overrides the fan exhaust config. Note: This will only have an effect in AirDuct mode INT/EXT
Enable or disable heating element $root/ctrl/heatingElementEnabled bool "1" Allow the DHW heat pump to use the heating element if needed. Sanity: It is not possible to disable the heating element in case emergency mode is enabled.
Enable or disable emergency mode $root/ctrl/emergencyModeEnabled bool "0" Forces the DHW heat pump to use only the heating element. Sanity: it is not possible to enable emergency mode if heating element has been disabled.
Set PV Mode Heat Pump Flag $root/ctrl/flagPVModeHeatPump bool "1" See additional information. Note: It is possible to define an additional custom mqtt topic for this attribute within Configuration.h
Set PV Mode Heat Element Flag $root/ctrl/flagPVModeHeatElement bool "1" See for additional information. Note: It is possible to define an additional custom mqtt topic for this attribute within Configuration.h
Reset Overrides $root/ctrl/reset Void Removes all previous set overrides.

Note: Calling a ctrl topic with an empty payload "" will reset individual override.