I am trying to add TMTumblrSDK into my project using cocoapods. This is what I have in my pod file:
platform :ios, '7.0'
target 'PhotoPostExample' do
pod 'TMTumblrSDK', '~> 4.0.4'
I set the SDK version to 4.0.4 based on the info here
But the TMAPIClient.h looks very different, the following secion is missing:
Authenticate via three-legged OAuth using a given UIWebView
Your `TMAPIClient` instance's `handleOpenURL:` method must also be called from your `UIApplicationDelegate`'s
`application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation:` method in order to receive the tokens.
This method proxies to an underlying `TMTumblrAuthenticator` which will authenticate using the given the web view.
That class can be used on its own but you do not need to invoke it directly if you are including the whole API client in your project.
@param URLScheme a URL scheme that your application can handle requests to.
@param fromViewController a UIViewController to present the authentication view controller from.
- (void)authenticate:(NSString *)URLScheme fromViewController:(UIViewController *)fromViewController callback:(void(^)(NSError *))error;
Any idea what I can do to fix this? Thanks!
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