I have been making my own client (tumblrdotcom) and have noticed posts with any non-zero indent_level do not render correctly when posted. I have also noticed that even if I manually construct a post in the tumblr UI with any indented blocks, they do not render correctly and sometimes break the editor. Is this feature no longer supported?
For example, using the API to post the following content taken from the text block subtype docs:
{"content": [{"type": "text",
"text": "Sward's Shopping List",
"subtype": "heading1"},
{"type": "text",
"text": "First level: Fruit",
"subtype": "ordered-list-item"},
{"type": "text",
"text": "Second level: Apples",
"subtype": "unordered-list-item",
"indent_level": 1},
{"type": "text",
"text": "Third level: Green",
"subtype": "ordered-list-item",
"indent_level": 2},
{"type": "text",
"text": "Second level: Pears",
"subtype": "unordered-list-item",
"indent_level": 1},
{"type": "text",
"text": "First level: Vegetables",
"subtype": "ordered-list-item"}],
"layout": [{"type": "rows",
"display": [{"blocks": [0]},
{"blocks": [1]},
{"blocks": [2]},
{"blocks": [3]},
{"blocks": [4]},
{"blocks": [5]}]}],
"tags": ""}
Will post successfully:
"meta": {"msg": "Created", "status": 201},
"response": {
"display_text": "Posted to tinygamebot",
"id": "726856993513652224",
"state": "published"
When I get this post, again with the API, the indent levels are in the received NPF content as above.
However, the post does not render correctly:
Unless it is being edited (however, it seems to get confused between ordered and unordered lists):
Another example using the Tumblr UI, again taken from the docs:
Produces the same output:
Again, unless in edit mode. When getting this post with the API, it still has the indent levels as above.
This actually breaks the editor in some cases, such as lists inside of blockquotes.
All this is to ask, is the indent_level a no longer supported feature for Tumblr posts, or is this a bug?