Hi, first of all, thank you for this awesome project, but I have some questions.
I see there's _MonkeyPatchedWSGIResponse, but I've no idea how I'm supposed to use it
I tried
from django_stubs.test.client import _MonkeyPatchedWSGIResponse
but no luck, mypy warns of [import-not-found]
for django_stubs.test.client
, while the example with TypedModel from README works, so my configuration seems to be ok.
I suppose it is some kind of private type I'm not supposed to use, but what should I use instead?
that's how I'm using it, if that'll help 👀
class FormTestCase(TestCase):
# I know that assertFormError exists, but it requires a fieldname, and that's
# a weird limitation imo, so here's my version instead.
def assertFormContainsErrorCode(
self, response, error_code: str
"""Check that form errors contain the error with error_code"""
form: Form = response.context["form"]
errors = form.errors.get_json_data()
# flatmap and find the code for each message for each field
# NOTE: eagerly evaluate the iterable for better error messages, but
# it'd work without it as well
error_codes = list(
map(lambda e: e["code"], chain.from_iterable(errors.values()))
self.assertIn(error_code, error_codes)
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