- Exposed toc heading to Type Alias members.
- typedoc-plugin-markdown 4.5 compatibility fixes.
- Fix typedoc-plugin-markdown 4.0.0 compatibility.
- Fix windows ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ESM_URL_SCHEME error (#752).
- Remove heading count restriction when adding toc placeholder heading (for usage with remark-toc).
- Export PluginOptions for external use (#737)
- Exposed "defaultRemarkPlugins" option to configure which remark plugins are loaded by default (#735).
- Resolve local plugins from
- [email protected] / [email protected] support
- Updated table formatting with typedoc-plugin-markdown "htmlTable" key.
- Add toc from remark-tocs to document reflections
- Normalize tables output
- Additionally parse with "remark-mdx" to retain escaped angle brackets (#622)
- First major release.