failing seed for commutative arrow.merge consistent with andThen is dVNwEsHmPBbrOfqLc7p6M8kcaCbC-NI_GSMjih5B6-P=
==> X cats.tests.CokleisliSuite.Cokleisli[Id, MiniInt, MiniInt]: commutative arrow.merge consistent with andThen 0.05s munit.FailException: Failing seed: dVNwEsHmPBbrOfqLc7p6M8kcaCbC-NI_GSMjih5B6-P=
You can reproduce this failure by adding the following override to your suite:
override def scalaCheckInitialSeed = "dVNwEsHmPBbrOfqLc7p6M8kcaCbC-NI_GSMjih5B6-P="
Exception raised on property evaluation.
> ARG_0: Cokleisli(org.scalacheck.GenArities$$Lambda$66@f16caf12)
> Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException: null
However, I failed to locally reproduce the issue by running the test suite with the provided seed.