- You need to have
Python 3.12.0
installed.- If you want to have multiple versions of python on your system, you can use
- If you want to have multiple versions of python on your system, you can use
- First you need to register an application in your (portal)[https://entra.microsoft.com/].
- Go the
Applications->App registrations-> + New registration
. - Go to
Authentication-> + Add a platform -> Mobile and desktop applications
. Puthttp://localhost
in the redirect url field - Set Allow public client flows to Yes.
- Go the
- Create a config file named
inside yourdata
folder. Copy the followingjson
object and put it the file. Replace[see your panel]
with your the data shown in your panel.
"client_id": "[see your panel]",
"tenant_id": "[see your panel]",
"authority": "https://login.microsoftonline.com/consumers",
"scope": ["User.Read", "files.read.all"]
- Run
python onedrive-ingest.py
. You need to sign in to your Mirosoft account and give permissions for reading your files on OneDrive. Follow the instructions on the terminal.
These are some test scripts I have written for the Indaleko project. There's nothing deep here.
- README.md - this flie
- arangodb-indaleko-reset.py - this will reset the Indaleko database inside ArangoDB. Note you will need to add your own passwords.
- arangodb-insert-test.py - this is my "insert an object" test where I used a UUID as the contents of the node being inserted.
- arangodb-local-ingest.py - this is my "scan the file system and insert everything into ArangoDB" script
- docker-compose.yml - not used
- enumerate-volume.py - Used to count the number of files and directories on a given volume (or a tree)
- neo4j-insert-test.py - Used to insert nodes into Neo4j with a UUID as the creamy filling.
- neo4j-local-ingest.py - this is the script I was using to stuff data into the Neo4j database from my local file system.
I've been reconstructing my system, and while doing this I am working on fitting the various bits and pieces I have been writing over the past 2+ years back together. Since it is easy for me to forget what exactly I've done, I'll collect my contemporaneous notes here.
Yesterday my focus was on setting my machine back up for collecting the data. I'd been in the midst of changing how I did some of this, so I thought I would capture a description of where I'm heading at the moment.
First, my primary goal is to get to a point where I have an end-to-end query chain. What that means is I can use my GraphQL + ChatGPT interface to create queries which can then be submitted to my database(s). For the moment, that means ArangoDB, which supports GraphQL, albeit indirectly.
So, what do I need to accomplish this:
The ability to easily set up and manage the database(s). I did this all manually previously, so yesterday I automated the task into a python script (see dbsetup.py). This assumes that I am using the dockerized version of ArangoDB.
The ability to collect existing metadata from the storage services:
Local file system(s) - I'm focusing on POSIX metadata initially, since this is easily understood and can be normalized with a minimum of fuss.
Cloud storage services - the metadata varies considerably here, but this is part of the evaluation (e.g., "how hard is it to build one of these things.")
- Google Drive
- Dropbox
- OneDrive
- iCloud
Note that it is quite possible I'll omit one of these (e.g., iCloud, which I have not yet implemented.) I'm keeping them all in the list because they each represent interesting points in the spectrum, as they differ in a variety of ways in how they are implemented. For example, Google Drive does not store content within the structure of the local file system, while Dropbox and OneDrive certainly do. iCloud has no native search interface, which means it relies upon keeping all the content on the local machine, which is different than how Dropbox and OneDrive work - they use a sparse file storage mechanism on Windows ("cloud filter") that means local indexing doesn't work reliably on them.
Application services that "act like" storage services.
- Discord
- Slack
- Teams (which uses SharePoint/OneDrive for its storage, so probably not interesting.)
- Outlook (or other e-mail clients) where attachments are present.
The ability to collect semantic information from the files. This one is intriguing because there's a variety of existing mechanisms for generating this and my goal is to flesh out a framework for doing so. In addition, cloud storage services have metadata that could be useful for this sort of semantic extraction.
Tools for doing semantic extraction would include:
Spacy - this provides NLP for Python and could be useful for doing at least some basic information extraction.
NLTK - natural language toolkit, for python.
BERT - Google's NLP models that can be used to extract semantic information (see also "HuggingFace")
Word2vec and Doc2Vec
Semantic Scholar
One of the challenges here is to come up with an extensible model. Most of the existing semantic information is about text, but there are non-text semantic transducers that are of interest, such as features for photos, or audio classification data for recordings. I would like to be able to capture them.
The ability to collect activity data, which in turn is used to form an activity context. My mental model for this is that an activity data provider registers with the activity context service. Then, using a pub/sub service, the activity context service can capture activity state each time a new activity context handle is required. Thus, activity context can be thought of as a cursor into the time-series data gathered by the activity data generators. It also provides a model in which activity data providers can be added without "breaking" prior existing activity context values. This area is the least formed of the components, despite being the most novel part of the system. My thinking initially is that activity context consists of:
- Storage events. Creation, access, modification of files, represent a stream of storage events. Less common storage events might include the addition or removal of a storage device (e.g., a USB stick.) Gathering data about the device could be beneficial in identifying the USB stick in the future.
- Relevant network events. Even just monitoring the port 80 and 443 accesses could be insightful since that can be related back to websites, which in turn could be a useful form of activity data.
- Location. For mobile devices, location data can be collected (it can be collected for non-mobile devices, it just won't be of as much interest.)
- Calendar information. This can be used to answer questions like "show me files that I accessed when I was meeting with Aki last week."
- Communications activity. Information, such as messages on Discord or Slack, could be used to identify relevant information.
- Process/program information. Capturing the state of running programs may provide additional insight useful for increasing relevancy of the returned operations.
Note that there may be some cross-over for these activities. For instance,
a storage event might have a reference that correlates with process
The focus of this work is to try and demonstrate the ability to support a range of queries. The first query really should be something simple. For example:
- Show me files that have 2016 in their name
Subsequent queries should focus on demonstrating this index goes beyond simple queries:
- Find photos that have my face in them
Of course the real goal is to be able to process queries that are not expressible in existing storage systems:
- Find files that I saved last week from a given application
- Web browser ("downloads")
- E-mail program ("attachments")
So, my goal is to get these pieces built. While building the ingestion scripts I started with a model of directly adding content to the database. I'm moving away from that model to a file capture model, which permits bulk uploading and that should be faster.
The three cloud metadata ingestion scripts generate files, the local one does not, so my next task is to convert the local one to save to files as well. Then the next step is to figure out how to do bulk importing.
Once I have bulk importing working at some level, I'd like to start identifying data that I want to normalize. Conceptually, I think of data normalization as being distinct from the indexing, though I could implement them as part of existing scripts.
The reason for this is that once I have indexing across silos, I can build the query infrastructure piece: combine the schema with the GPT interface, and have it generate GraphQL queries, which can be submitted to ArangoDB. With those pieces in place, I can expand this to incorporate semantic information, and finally I can get to building the activity context service.
Late yesterday I changed the logic of the "get local machine configuration" powershell script so it saves it to a file that embeds the machine GUID. My thinking here was that this is (mostly) static information that, at least for now, I can just capture.
The reason this is important is because I want to be able to properly address all files, not just those that have drive letters because I know that drive letters are not nearly as "baked in" to Windows as users think. Years of Windows file system experience.
This powershell script has to be run with administrative credentials, which is why I want to just capture the data, at least for now. For a real packaged system it would be better to have it done dynamically and to do this inside a privileged service (which I have done work on in the past.)
Now I can get back to the local ingest script.
I have been systematically working through the local ingestion script to try and split it out into a common core (applicable to all local environments) and the platform specific portions.
In parallel, we're working on getting the iCloud ingestion work going as well (Zee is looking into this.) I'm ignoring that for the time being.
So now I seem to have a local ingest script for Windows working. Limited testing thus far, but it is generating a raw data file.
So, now I have a skeleton of what the ingest looks like. The next step is to begin adding the normalizers. Ideally, I'll end up with a model for the normalizers that's generalizable. At the moment, the ingest logic is not quite where I want it to be (e.g., common framework) though there's a fair bit of material. Logically, I want a flow where the storage specific elements know how to process their own data.
Thus, the question becomes: what data is required (e.g., expected) and what data is permitted (e.g., useful but optional.) During this first pass, I am focusing on the required bits, since those will become the key aspects of the data schema. I'll have to revisit what to do about optional data in the future.
The other aspect I need to capture here is the relationships, which I don't think are being well-captured (yet). I note that in the local ingest I already am explicitly adding the full path and a URI (at least for the Windows version, haven't massaged this to do what is needed on Linux.) For example, I may want to capture the inode number of the containing directory, not just its path.
This allows me to have a separate json file that contains data relationships as well, since I think those are going to be loaded into different collections in ArangoDB. I don't want to lose that information, but the drive here was to make bulk uploading as fast as possible.
Let's start with a minimum set of fields we want for our index:
- Label - this is what corresponds to the "name" of the file
- URI - this is how we get back to the file
- Object ID - this is a UUID
- Local ID - this is an "inode number"
- Timestamps:
- Creation Time
- Access Time
- Modification/Change Time
- Note that NTFS has both, one being the data and the other being the metadata.
- Size
- Source
- UUID that identifies where we got the data
- Version
- Source specific metadata
- Raw Data
- Semantic attributes (key-value list)
- Semantic Type/Identifier
- Semantic Data
In addition, there's a relationship we want to capture, the container/contained relationship. I need to figure out how we describe this, since it likely goes into a different collection in ArangoDB.
Relationships I want to capture:
- Container relationship (bi-directionally)
- Causal (versioned) relationship - not needed for indexing?
Improved the automated set-up script for the database container. That now seems to be basically working, though there's always more features that could be added.
Biggest point is that it now extracts the Schema from Indaleko.py and creates the corresponding collection with the Schema. The purpose of having those schema is because I can use them as part of the query production chain (e.g., use the OpenAI API + Schema + Natural Language Query and get a GraphQL query back.) This will then provide the basis for exploring search functionality, though I expect future work will use search to provide alternative interfaces (e.g., the relationship graph walking model we've explored before.)
I re-organized some code today, putting files that are from prior iterations of work into the "old" directory. There's still some useful work that needs to be extracted from them.
I also added logic to the dbsetup.py script so it will wait for ArangoDB to start running before it actually tries to create the Indaleko database and the various collections.
One of the motivations for this was that I started looking at indices again. I had a number of indices that I set up previously (see arangodb-local-ingest.py) and I'm trying to extract the useful work there for setting up the indices. That in turn led me to set up the main() method in indalekocollections.py (a new file I added to capture some of that prior work product) so I could put test code right there, rather than writing yet another random little script. This, in turn, led me to reuse the database config code (from dbsetup.py) and it balked when it found the collections already existed. So I modified it to just load them up. Then I verified that the three collections I expected do in fact exist and now I have the basis of a script for further testing. I want to define the indices to create for the various collections, which are then, in turn, formed into a list of collections. In this way I can move towards a model where this is dynamically created from said list, as I'm increasingly convinced we're going to need more collections.
The other motivation here is that as I was talking with Zee about building the
data ingester for Mac, I realized there is a challenge that I didn't have back
when I first added the relationship stuff: because I was inserting it
contemporaneously, I had exactly the data I needed in order to add the
relationships. But when I bulk upload I won't have that data (e.g., the _id
field that ArangoDB adds to each entry and uses as part of creating the edge
relationships.) I spent some time trying to explain sources to Zee as well and
realized I need to be more clear about this.
A Source is a unique identifier that specifies what component generated the given file. So, for example, the Google Drive indexer should have a source identifier and that would go into the Sources collection. In turn, the GDrive ingester would be a source as well and have its own source identifier.
My original model was that I'd embed the raw metadata inside the object itself, but now I'm wondering if maybe that's the wrong model. For example, I could have objects that go into per-indexer collections. This sort of separation might make sense given that the raw metadata doesn't really provide much benefit to the core index. Instead, I could create a causal relationship showing that the data was ingested from the raw metadata. That would then provide us with a model in which parallel ingesters could process that original metadata and show their own contributions - a sort of provenance graph relationship.
Another element that I ran across yesterday and wanted to capture is likely to be quite important once we start trying to optimize query results.
Specifically, it talks about how to combine two different techniques, one is essentially a "coarse filtering" mechanism and the second is a "fine filtering" mechanism.
Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is a process of finding a subset of documents quickly using a "low precision, high recall algorithm." This can reduce billions of documents to around 1,000 documents (I'm paraphrasing right from that blog post.)
A vector database, with vector embeddings extracted from the document, can then be used to "re-rank" the original set to improve the results.
So I think this approach is solid and justifies further exploration as we begin building exploring the query space.
This week has been productive. I buckled down and built a windows ingester. It takes the information collected by the windows indexer, which is written to a file, and then it opens it, processes it:
- Extracts and normalizes specific fields
- Saves the "raw" content that was gathered by the indexer in the first place
- generates a uuid (and that becomes the key to the object.)
Note the collections have a schema to enforce format of data in the document.
Most fields are not required, but when present they are required to be in a
particular format. The ingester emits six different json lines files that can
be given to arangoimport. From what I can tell, arangoimport
is using the
HTTP bulk uploader interface. On my machine it indicates it will be using 64
threads to do its work. Overkill for my 45 file initial test sample, but it
did demonstrate that it can successfully upload the data into the database.
I'm now turning my attention to taking the "down and dirty" windows ingester and converting it into a class library that I can use to build specialized ingesters for the various storage engines. This makes sense because in the end I want the ingesters to generate the same common fields, while allowing individual ingesters to capture metadata that we don't really know how to handle (yet).
The goal remains the same:
- Indexer to pull down the initial state of the files in the storage silo.
- Ingester to extract normalized common metadata from the storage system, while capturing all of the metadata captured by the indexer.
- Natural Language query tool built from the GPT API and combined with the data schemas to generate GraphQL queries.
That is the primary goal at this stage. Once I can get query results back I can start looking at how to rank the returned information. I can also measure various performance costs, such as the time for initial ingestion, the amount of storage used, and the CPU cycles used by the database.
General goals of portability seem to be working reasonably well, too, since I have a linux indexer. I expect, once the class library is done, the Linux ingester will not be too difficult.
Having multiple storage silos indexed is important because one benefit of this approach is that it can find "what I'm looking for" regardless of where it might be stored - an important point to help differentiate this work, since that's not a capability of existing systems.
I've been poking at the edges of searches now that I have a bunch of file medatadata loaded into Arango. While Arango allows for "full text" search, what this means is that it will search against a list of words. File names, however, are not nearly so neat as documents, where spaces and punctuation allow easy tokenization of words. Instead, we have to worry about files without spaces in their names. After all, one of the points in the Burrito paper is that people embed metadata in file names. Indeed, I've often opined that this is a nice demonstration of the failings of storage to permit this to be stored in a cleaner fashion. EAs were a great idea that's just never quite "caught on."
At any rate, let me capture a bit of what I've been learning about how searches work in ArangoDB.
First, Arango relies upon views for search. This seems to be the "results of a query" style output. The documentation says these views are "eventually consistent" and that is fine for my purposes since the data sets isn't mutating rapidly and the place where Indaleko's indexing is most useful is for cold data, not hot data. This is an interesting observation since much of storage focuses on efficiency for the "hot data."
Here's a simple example (from ChatGPT-4) showing how to create a view in a python script:
from arango import ArangoClient
# Initialize the ArangoDB client
client = ArangoClient(hosts='http://localhost:8529')
# Connect to "_system" database as root user
sys_db = client.db('_system', username='root', password='')
# Create a new ArangoSearch view
'links': {
'yourCollectionName': {
'includeAllFields': False,
'fields': {
'fileName': {
'analyzers': ['text_en']
Queries can then be made against that view:
# Connect to your database
db = client.db('yourDatabaseName', username='root', password='')
# Write an AQL query
query = """
FOR doc IN fileSearchView
SEARCH doc.fileName == @fileName
# Bind parameters
bind_vars = {'fileName': 'specificFileName'}
# Execute the query
result = db.aql.execute(query, bind_vars=bind_vars)
# Print the results
for doc in result:
ArangoDB does allows us to have multiple views.