- Better
support (#1149) - Add support for local variables for arrays. (#1146)
- Ignore Spring Framework 6.2
fields (#1147) - JSpecify: preserve explicit nullability annotations on type variables when performing substitutions (#1143)
- Always acknowledge restrictive annotations in JSpecify mode (#1144)
- Fix printing of array types in JSpecify errors (#1145)
- Remove need to use JSpecify's @Nullable annotation (#1142)
- Handle calls to generic constructors in JSpecify mode (#1141)
- Properly handle conditional expression within parens as RHS of assignment (#1140)
- Skip checks involving wildcard generic type arguments (#1137)
- Update to Gradle 8.12.1 (#1133)
- Remove InferredJARModelsHandler (#1079)
- Fix crash with annotation on enum (#1097)
- Handle case null in switch statements (#1100)
- Don't report errors for writes to @NullUnmarked fields (#1102)
- Support primitive static final fields as constant args in access paths (#1105)
- Fix issue with annotations in module-info.java files (#1109)
- Report error for @nullable synchronized block expression (#1106)
- Add support for parameter types with wildcards for JarInfer (#1107)
- Properly handle nested generics and multiple wildcard type args in JarInfer (#1114)
- Proper checking of vararg overrides with JSpecify annotations (#1116)
- Add flag to indicate only @NullMarked code should be checked (#1117)
- Add support for static fields in contracts (#1118)
- Maintenance
- Fix comment positions (#1098)
- [refactoring] Wrap calls to Types.subst and Types.memberType (#1115)
- Build latest Caffeine on CI (#1111)
- Fix reading of JSpecify @nullable annotations from varargs parameter in bytecode (#1089)
- Fix JarInfer handling of generic types (#1078)
- Fix another JSpecify mode crash involving raw types (#1086)
- Fix bugs in handling of valueOf calls for map keys (#1085)
- Suggest correct fix when array component of non-nullable array is made null. (#1087)
- Substitute type arguments when checking type parameter nullability at call site (#1070)
- Fix JarInfer parameter indexes for instance methods (#1071)
- JSpecify mode: initial support for generic methods (with explicit type arguments at calls) (#1053)
- Maintenance
- Update to latest Error Prone and Error Prone Gradle plugin (#1064)
- Refactor serialization adapter retrieval by version (#1066)
- Remove fixes.tsv serialization from NullAway serialization service (#1063)
- Enable javac -parameters flag (#1069)
- Update to Gradle 8.11 (#1073)
- Add test for issue 1035 (#1074)
- remove use of deprecated Gradle API (#1076)
- Update to Error Prone 2.36.0 (#1077)
- Add library model for Apache Commons CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty (#932) (#1062)
- Handle records in targetTypeMatches (#1061)
- We now by default check/enforce that pure type-use annotations from JSpecify are written in the "right place" on array types, varargs types, and nested types. More
details can be found in the wiki.
We also expose
flag to disable this new behavior for now to ease the migration. We expect to remove this flag in a future version of NullAway. - We now support writing @EnsuresNonNullIf on methods to capture cases where a method conditionally ensures that a field is @NonNull. Thanks @mauricioaniche for the contributions!
(The changelog below contains all changes from version 0.11.2, since version 0.11.3 contains only one cherry-picked PR from master).
- Enforce Strict Interpretation Of Type Use Annotation Locations Outside of JSpecify mode (#1010)
- Update handling of annotations on varargs argument (#1025)
- Create basic unit tests for library model generation (#1031)
- Partial handling for restrictive annotations on varargs in unannotated code (#1029)
- Add missing source files in android-jarinfer-models-sdk modules (#1033)
- External Library Models: Adding support for @nullable Method parameters (#1006)
- JDK 23 support (#1034)
- Support @EnsuresNonNullIf (#1044)
- Update some Android astubx models (#1052)
- Remove unused or unneeded JarInfer flags (#1050)
- Enforce correct type-use annotation locations for nested types (#1045)
- Update Android SDK 31 astubx models (#1054)
- Fix bugs in reading varargs annotations from bytecodes (#1055)
- General maintenance:
- Update to Gradle 8.10 (#1023)
- Update to Gradle 8.10.1 (#1036)
- Update to Error Prone 2.32.0 (#1037)
- Typo fix in README.md (#1041)
- Fix Gradle config instructions (#1039)
- Update to v4 of setup-gradle GitHub action (#1043)
- Add extra JVM args needed for JMH on recent JDK versions (#1049)
- Use HTTP instead of SSH for cloning repo for JMH Benchmarks (#1056)
- Various version updates (#1051)
- Update to Checker Framework 3.48.0 (#1030)
IMPORTANT: We have cherry-picked one PR in master since 0.11.2 for this release, it does not contain all changes in master!
- Add missing source files in android-jarinfer-models-sdk modules (#1033)
- JSpecify: add another bailout check for raw types (#1021)
- JSpecify: handle intersection type in one place (#1015)
- JSpecify: fix for crash with wildcard types (#1020)
- Maintenance:
- Update to Error Prone 2.30.0 (#1017)
- Add test for #1011 (#1018)
- Fix issue 1008 (#1009)
- JSpecify: read upper bound annotations from bytecode and add tests (#1004)
- Fix crash with suggested suppressions in JSpecify mode (#1001)
- Update to JSpecify 1.0 and use JSpecify annotations in NullAway code (#1000)
- Expose @EnsuresNonNull and @RequiresNonNull in annotations package (#999)
- Don't report initializer warnings on @NullUnmarked constructors / methods (#997)
- Strip annotations from MethodSymbol strings (#993)
- JSpecify: fix crashes where declared parameter / return types were raw (#989)
- JSpecify: Handle @nullable elements for enhanced-for-loops on arrays (#986)
- Features/944 tidy stream nullability propagator (#985)
- Tests for loops over arrays (#982)
- Bug fixes for array subtyping at returns / parameter passing (#980)
- JSpecify: Handle @nonnull elements in @nullable content arrays (#963)
- Don't report @nullable type argument errors for unmarked classes (#958)
- External Library Models: Adding support for Nullable upper bounds of Generic Type parameters (#949)
- Refactoring / code cleanups:
- Test on JDK 22 (#992)
- Add test case for @nullable Void with override in JSpecify mode (#990)
- Enable UnnecessaryFinal and PreferredInterfaceType EP checks (#991)
- Add missing @test annotation (#988)
- Fix typo in variable name (#987)
- Remove AbstractConfig class (#974)
- Fix Javadoc for MethodRef (#973)
- Refactored data clumps with the help of LLMs (research project) (#960)
- Build / CI tooling maintenance:
- Various cleanups enabled by bumping minimum Java and Error Prone versions (#962)
- Disable publishing of snapshot builds from CI (#967)
- Update Gradle action usage in CI workflow (#969)
- Update Gradle config to always compile Java code using JDK 17 (#971)
- Update JavaParser to 3.26.0 (#970)
- Reenable JMH benchmarking in a safer manner (#975)
- Updated JMH Benchmark Comment Action (#976)
- Update to Gradle 8.8 (#981)
- Update to Error Prone 2.28.0 (#984)
- Update to Gradle 8.9 (#998)
- Update to WALA 1.6.6 (#1003)
IMPORTANT: Support for JDK 8 is dropped and NullAway now requires 2.14.0 or higher.
- Delete OptionalEmptinessHandler method that is no longer needed (#954)
- Refactor PreservedAnnotationTreeVisitor (#955)
- Update to Error Prone 2.27.1 (#957)
- JSpecify subtyping checks for arrays (#956)
- Bump to Checker Framework 3.43.0 (#959)
- Drop Java 8 support (#961)
- External Library Models Integration (#922)
- Rename test classes (#951)
- Propagate more nullability info to lambdas known to be invoked synchronously (#952)
- JSpecify: Handle @nullable assignments to @nonnull arrays (#929)
- Handle JDK 21 case operands in type refinement (#928)
- Track access paths of the form Foo.this.bar (#937)
- Add test for boolean contract with extra message argument (#945)
- Collectors.toMap handling for streams (#938)
- Handle methods that fail unconditionally in ContractHandler (#946)
- Build / CI tooling upgrades:
- Update various dependencies (#939)
- Add library model for Files.isDirectory (#913)
- JSpecify test case for generic methods (#918)
- Check dereference of qualifier expression in method reference (#920)
- JSpecify: skip checking when type is primitive (#924)
- Fix another JSpecify raw type issue (#925)
- Fix handling of references to methods of array types and type variables (#926)
- Build / CI / Documentation upgrades/fixes:
- Fix lombok config example more correctly on README (#911)
- Update to Gradle 8.6 (#914)
- Update to Error Prone 2.25.0 (#916)
- Add codecov token (#921)
- Update for missing a couple possibly unsafe xml parser (#902)
- Add foojay-resolver-convention plugin (#905)
- JSpecify: Reason about nullability of reads from arrays (#875)
- Fix handling of static imports from subclasses (#904)
- Adding support for nullable type upper bounds considering Library models (#903)
- Support for extra Futures classes (#909)
- Build / CI tooling upgrades:
- Bump various CI workflow versions (#906)
IMPORTANT: The support for JDK 8 is deprecated in this release and will be removed in an upcoming release.
- Fix bug with implicit equals() methods in interfaces (#898)
- Fix crash with raw types in overrides in JSpecify mode (#899)
- Docs fix: Update instructions for Android and our sample app (#900)
IMPORTANT: This release fixes a crash when running against <2.24.0 release of Error Prone (see #894) introduced in NullAway v0.10.20 and another crash related to Checker Framework (see #895) introduced in NullAway v0.10.19.
- Fix backwards-incompatible calls to ASTHelpers.hasDirectAnnotationWithSimpleName (#894)
- Downgrade to Checker Framework 3.40.0 (#895)
- Fix JSpecify support on JDK 21 (#869)
- Build / CI tooling upgrades for NullAway itself:
- Update to WALA 1.6.3 (#887)
- Update to Error Prone 2.24.1 (#888)
- Update to Checker Framework 3.41.0 (#873)
- Extend library models to mark fields as nullable (#878)
- Main use case is NullAwayAnnotator
- Fix jarinfer cli output determinism (#884)
- Add support for AssertJ as() and describedAs() in AssertionHandler (#885)
- Support for JSpecify's 0.3.0 annotation [experimental]
- JSpecify: In generics code, get rid of checks for ClassType (#863)
- Update some dependencies (#883)
- Fix assertion check for structure of enhanced-for loop over a Map keySet (#868)
- Fix bug with computing direct type use annotations on parameters (#864)
- Model Apache Flink's RichFunction.open as an @Initializer method (#862)
- Support for JSpecify's 0.3.0 annotation [experimental]
- JSpecify: adding com.google.common to annotated packages in build.gradle (#857)
- JSpecify: handling the return of a diamond operator anonymous object method caller (#858)
- Create com.uber.nullaway.generics package (#855)
- Clarifications and small fixes for checking JSpecify @Nullable annotation (#859)
- Apply minor cleanups suggested by IntelliJ in generics code (#860)
NOTE: Maven Central signing key rotated for this release following a revocation.
- Minor cleanup in AccessPathElement (#851)
- Support for JSpecify's 0.3.0 annotation [experimental]
- JSpecify: handle return types of method references in Java Generics (#847)
- JSpecify: handle Nullability for lambda expression parameters for Generic Types (#852)
- JSpecify: Modify Array Type Use Annotation Syntax (#850)
- JSpecify: handle Nullability for return types of lambda expressions for Generic Types (#854)
- Build / CI tooling for NullAway itself:
- Update to Gradle 8.4 and Error Prone 2.23.0 (#849)
- [IMPORTANT] Update minimum Error Prone version and Guava version (#843) NullAway now requires Error Prone 2.10.0 or later
- Add Spring mock/testing annotations to excluded field annotation list (#757)
- Update to Checker Framework 3.39.0 (#839) [Support for JDK 21 constructs]
- Support for JSpecify's 0.3.0 annotation [experimental]
- Properly check generic method overriding in explicitly-typed anonymous classes (#808)
- JSpecify: handle incorrect method parameter nullability for method reference (#845)
- JSpecify: initial handling of generic enclosing types for inner classes (#837)
- Build / CI tooling for NullAway itself:
- Update Gradle and a couple of plugin versions (#832)
- Run recent JDK tests on JDK 21 (#834)
- Fix which JDKs are installed on CI (#835)
- Update to Error Prone 2.22.0 (#833)
- Ignore code coverage for method executed non-deterministically in tests (#838 and #844)
- Build NullAway with JSpecify mode enabled (#841)
IMPORTANT: This version introduces EXPERIMENTAL JDK21 support.
- Bump Checker Framework dependency to 3.38.0 (#819)
- Note: Not just an internal implementation change. Needed to support JDK 21!
- Treat parameter of generated Record.equals() methods as @Nullable (#825)
- Build / CI tooling for NullAway itself:
- Fixes Codecov Report Expired error (#821)
- Updated Readme.md with Codecov link (#823)
- Remove ASM-related hack in build config (#824)
- Run tests on JDK 21 (#826)
- Allow library models to define custom stream classes (#807)
- Avoid suggesting castToNonNull fixes in certain cases (#799)
- Ensure castToNonNull insertion/removal suggested fixes do not remove comments (#815)
- Support for JSpecify's 0.3.0 annotation [experimental]
- Generics checks for method overriding (#755)
- Make GenericsChecks methods static (#805)
- Add visitors for handling different types in generic type invariance check (#806)
- Build / CI tooling for NullAway itself:
- Bump versions for some dependencies (#800)
- Update to WALA 1.6.2 (#798)
- Update to Error Prone 2.21.1 (#797)
- Enable contract checking when building NullAway (#802)
- Bump Error Prone Gradle Plugin version (#804)
- Modify JMH Benchmark Workflow For Shellcheck (#813)
- Bump gradle maven publish plugin from 0.21.0 to 0.25.3 (#810)
- Use Spotless to enforce consistent formatting for Gradle build scripts (#809)
- Remove unnecessary compile dependence for jar-infer-cli (#816)
- Added Codecov to CI Pipeline (#820)
Note: This is the first release built with Java 11. In particular, running JarInfer now requires a JDK 11 JVM. NullAway is still capable of analyzing JDK 8 source/target projects, and should be compatible with the Error Prone JDK 9 javac just as the release before, but a JDK 11 javac is recommended.
- Update to WALA 1.6.1 and remove ability to build on JDK 8 (#777)
- Fix compatibility issue when building on JDK 17 but running on JDK 8 (#779)
- Fix JDK compatibility issue in LombokHandler (#795)
- Improve auto-fixing of unnecessary castToNonNull calls (#796)
- Support for JSpecify's 0.3.0 annotation [experimental]
- JSpecify: avoid crashes when encountering raw types (#792)
- Fix off-by-one error in JSpecify checking of parameter passing (#793)
- Build / CI tooling for NullAway itself:
- Fix Publish Snapshot CI job (#774)
- Add step to create release on GitHub (#775)
- Build the Android sample app on JDK 17 (#776)
- Update to Error Prone 2.20.0 (#772)
- Add tasks to run JDK 8 tests on JDK 11+ (#778)
- Switch to Spotless for formatting Java code (#780)
- Added GCP JMH Benchmark Workflow (#770)
- Set concurrency for JMH benchmarking workflow (#784)
- Disable daemon when running benchmarks (#786)
- Update to Gradle 8.2.1 (#781)
- NULL_LITERAL expressions may always be null (#749)
- Fix error in Lombok generated code for @Nullable @Builder.Default (#765)
- Support for specific libraries/APIs:
- Added support for Apache Validate (#769)
- Introduce FluentFutureHandler as a workaround for Guava FluentFuture (#771)
- Internal code refactorings:
- [Refactor] Pass resolved Symbols into Handler methods (#729)
- Prepare for Nullable ASTHelpers.getSymbol (#733)
- Refactor: streamline mayBeNullExpr flow (#753)
- Refactor LibraryModelsHandler.onOverrideMayBeNullExpr (#754)
- Refactor simple onOverrideMayBeNullExpr handlers (#747)
- Support for JSpecify's 0.3.0 annotation [experimental]
- JSpecify generics checks for conditional expressions (#739)
- Generics checks for parameter passing (#746)
- Clearer printing of types in errors related to generics (#758)
- NullAwayInfer/Annotator data serialization support [experimental]
- Update path serialization for class files (#752)
- Build / CI tooling for NullAway itself:
- Update to Gradle 8.0.2 (#743)
- Fix CI on Windows (#759)
- Upgrade to Error Prone 2.19.1 (#763)
- Upgrade maven publish plugin to 0.21.0 (#773)
- Add command line option to skip specific library models. (#741)
- Support for specific libraries/APIs:
- Model Map.getOrDefault (#724)
- Model Class.cast (#731)
- Model Class.isInstance (#732)
- Internal code refactorings:
- Refactor code to use Map.getOrDefault where possible (#727)
- Break loops when result can no longer change (#728)
- Support for JSpecify's 0.3.0 annotation [experimental]
- JSpecify: initial checks for generic type compatibility at assignments (#715)
- Add JSpecify checking for return statements (#734)
- NullAwayInfer/Annotator data serialization support [experimental]
- Refactoring in symbol serialization (#736)
- Refactoring tabSeparatedToString logic to prepare for serialization version 3 (#738)
- Update method serialization to exclude type use annotations and type arguments (#735)
- Docs fix: -XepExcludedPaths was added in 2.1.3, not 2.13 (#744)
- Add support for external init annotations in constructors (#725)
- Ignore incompatibly annotated var args from Kotlin code. (#721)
- Support for specific libraries/APIs:
- Add Throwable.getCause and getLocalizedMessage() library models (#717)
- Support more test assertions in OptionalEmptinessHandler (#718)
- Support isInstanceOf(...) as implying non-null in assertion libraries (#726)
- [Refactor] Avoid redundant Map lookups (#722)
- Build / CI tooling for NullAway itself:
- Update to Error Prone 2.18.0 (#707)
- Don't do checks for type casts and parameterized trees in unannotated code (#712)
- Add an initial
artifact. (#709)- Contains only an implementation of
for now.
- Contains only an implementation of
- NullAwayInfer/Annotator data serialization support [experimental]
- Update region selection for initialization errors. (#713)
- Update path serialization for reported errors and fixes. (#714)
- Build / CI tooling for NullAway itself:
- Turn up various Error Prone checks (#710)
(Bug fix release)
- Resolve regression for type annotations directly on inner types. (#706)
- Handle BITWISE_COMPLEMENT operator (#696)
- Add support for AssertJ (#698)
- Fix logic for @Nullable annotation on type parameter (#702)
- Preserve nullness checks in final fields when propagating nullness into inner contexts (#703)
- NullAwayInfer/Annotator data serialization support [experimental]
- Add source offset and path to reported errors in error serialization. (#704)
- Build / CI tooling for NullAway itself:
- [Jspecify] Update test dep to final JSpecify 0.3.0 release (#700) = Intermediate PRs: 0.3.0-alpha-3 (#692), 0.3-alpha2 (#691)
- Update to Gradle 7.6 (#690)
- Report more unboxing errors in a single compilation (#686)
- Remove AccessPath.getAccessPathForNodeNoMapGet (#687)
- NullAwayInfer/Annotator data serialization support [experimental]
- Fix Serialization: Split field initialization region into smaller regions (#658)
- Add serialization format version to fix serialization output (#688)
- Fix serialization field region computation bug fix (#689)
- EXPERIMENTAL support for JSpecify's 0.3.0 annotations
- [Jspecify] Update tests to JSpecify 0.3.0-alpha-1 (#673)
- [Jspecify] Add checks for proper JSpecify generic type instantiations (#680)
- (Note: Annotation support for generics is not complete/useful just yet)
(Bug fix release)
- Fix LibraryModels recording of dataflow nullness for Map APs (#685)
- Proper checking of unboxing in binary trees (#684)
- Build / CI tooling for NullAway itself:
- Bump dependency versions in GitHub Actions config (#683)
- Report an error when casting @Nullable expression to primitive type (#663)
- Fix an NPE in the optional emptiness handler (#678)
- Add support for boolean constraints (about nullness) in Contract annotations (#669)
- Support for specific libraries/APIs:
- PreconditionsHandler reflects Guava Preconditions exception types (#668)
- Handle Guava Verify functions (#682)
- Dependency Updates:
- checkerframework 3.26.0 (#671)
- Build / CI tooling for NullAway itself:
- Build and test against Error Prone 2.15.0 (#665)
- Bump Error Prone and EP plugin to 2.16 (#675)
- Make AbstractConfig collection fields explicity Immutable (#601)
- NullAwayInfer/Annotator data serialization support [experimental]
- Fix crash in fixserialization when ClassSymbol.sourcefile is null (#656)
This is a bug-fixing release for a crash introduced in 0.10.1 on type.class (for primitive type = boolean/int/void/etc.).
- Fix crash when querying null-markedness of primitive.class expressions (#654)
- Fix for querying for generated code w/ primitive.class expressions. (#655)
- Switch parameter overriding handler to use Nullness[] (#648) [performance opt!]
- EXPERIMENTAL support for JSpecify's 0.3.0 @NullMarked and @NullUnmarked semantics
- [JSpecify] Support @NullMarked on methods. (#644)
- [JSpecify] Support @NullUnmarked. (#651)
- Allow AcknowledgeRestrictiveAnnotations to work on fields (#652)
- Dependency Updates:
- Update to WALA 1.5.8 (#650)
- Build / CI tooling for NullAway itself:
- Update to Gradle 7.5.1 (#647)
- Add Gradle versions plugin and update some "safe" dependencies (#649)
- Improved support for library models on annotated code:
- Make library models override annotations by default. (#636)
- Generalize handler APIs for argument nullability on (un-)annotated code (#639)
- [Follow-up] Optimizations for parameter nullness handler / overriding (#646)
- Generalize handler APIs for return nullability on (un-)annotated code (#641)
- Support for specific libraries/APIs:
- Add library model for Guava's Closer.register (#632)
- Support for Map.computeIfAbsent(...) (#640)
- NullAwayInfer/Annotator data serialization support [experimental]
- Augment error serializarion info (#643)
- Dependency Updates:
- Update to Checker Framework 3.24.0 (#631)
- Fix javadoc and CONTRIBUTING.md typos (#642)
- Fix handling of empty contract arguments (#616)
- Fix inconsistent treament of generated code in RestrictiveAnnotationHandler (#618)
- Allow Library Models to override annotations. (#624)
- Allow tracking field accesses outside the this instance and static fields (#625)
- Add Guava 31+ support by treating @ParametricNullness as @nullable (#629)
- Refactoring:
- Clean up: Remove method parameter protection analysis (#622)
- Clean up: Remove nullable annotation configuration in fix serialization. (#621)
- Build / CI tooling for NullAway itself:
- Add a microbenchmark for type inference / dataflow (#617)
- Fix false positive involving type parameter @Nullable annotations (#609)
- Add config option to register custom @Generated annotations. (#600)
- Treat Void formal arguments as @Nullable (#613)
- Generalize support for castToNonNull methods using library models (#614)
- Support for specific libraries/APIs:
- Support for Preconditions.checkArgument (#608)
- Model for com.google.api.client.util.Strings.isNullOrEmpty (#605)
- Refactoring:
- Cleanups to AccessPath representation and implementation (#603)
- Clean-up: Remove unused fix suggestion code. (#615)
- Dependency Updates:
- Update to Checker Framework 3.22.2 (#610)
- Build / CI tooling for NullAway itself:
- Add NullAway 0.9.7 as a JMH benchmark (#602)
- Update to Error Prone 2.14.0 (#606)
- Allow zero-argument static method calls to be the root of an access path (#596)
- Support for specific libraries/APIs
- Add support for Optional.isEmpty() (#590)
- Model System.console() as returning @nullable (#591)
- JDK 17+ support improvements
- Add a test of binding patterns (#583)
- JSpecify support:
- Move JSpecify tests to correct package (#587)
- NullAwayInfer/Annotator data serialization support [experimental]
- Fixes line breaks and tabs in serializing errors. (#584)
- Using flatNames for LocalType/anon. classes in fix serialization (#592)
- Fixes to computing class and method info for error serialization (#599)
- Dependency updates
- [JarInfer] Update Apache Commons IO dependency. (#582)
- Update to Checker Framework 3.21.3 (#564)
- Build / CI tooling for NullAway itself:
- NullAway now builds with NullAway (#560)
- Switch to using gradle-build-action (#581)
- Compile and test against Error Prone 2.12.0 (#585)
- Enabled a few more EP checks on our code (#586)
(Note: the
related portion of this changes was reverted) - Update to Gradle 7.4.2 (#589)
- Update to Error Prone 2.13.1 and latest Lombok (#588)
- Initial support for JSpecify's @NullMarked annotation (#493)
- Fix bug in handling of TreatGeneratedAsUnannotated (#580) (Note: this bug is not in any released NullAway version, but was temporarily introduced to the main/master branch by #493)
- Improved tracking of map nullness
- Improve nullness tracking of map calls in the presence of type casts (#537)
- Reason about iterating over a map's key set using an enhanced for loop (#554)
- Reason about key set iteration for subtypes of Map (#559)
- Add support for Map.putIfAbsent. (#568)
- Add support for data serialization for Nullaway data for UCR's NullAwayAnnotator
- Serialization of Type Change Suggestions for Type Violations (#517)
- Measurement of Method protection against nullability of arguments (#575)
- Enhanced Serialization Test Infrastructure (#579)
- Field initialization serialization (#576)
- Build / CI tooling for NullAway itself:
- Enable parallel builds (#549) (#555)
- Add dependence from coveralls task to codeCoverageReport (#552)
- Switch to temurin on CI (#553)
- Separating NullAwayTests into smaller files (#550)
- Require braces for all conditionals and loops (#556)
- Enable build cache (#562)
- Fix JarInfer integration test on Java 11 (#529)
- Get Android sample apps building on JDK 11 (#531)
- Limit metaspace size (#563)
- Update CI jobs (#565)
- Set epApiVersion for jacoco coverage reporting (#566)
- Compile and test against Error Prone 2.11.0 (#567)
- Fix EP version for jacoco coverage step (#571)
- Update to latest Google Java Format (#572)
- JDK17 support improvements:
- Fix crash with switch expression as a lambda body (#543, follow up: #545)
- Better fix for crash on member selects inside module-info.java (#544)
- Bump Guava dependency to 24.1.1 (#536)
- Build / CI tooling for NullAway itself:
- Bump AutoValue and AutoService versions (#538)
- Add task to run NullAway on itself (#542)
- Add test case for unsound map reassignment handling (#541)
- Fix crash with fully-qualified names in module-info.java import (#534)
IMPORTANT: This version introduces EXPERIMENTAL JDK17 support.
There is a known crash on lambdas with switch expressions as body
(see #524). Best current workaround is to
on the enclosing method
- Improve reporting of multiple parameter errors on a single method call (#503)
- Support compile-time constant field args in method Access Paths (#504)
- Add basic library support for grpc Metadata through GrpcHandler (#505)
- Fix soundness bug with dereference of ternary expressions (#516)
- Add support for switch expressions (#520) [JDK 17]
- Allow setting custom Nullable Annotation via Error Prone CLI flags (#522)
- Add JarInfer models for Android SDK 31 (Android 12) (#532)
- Build / CI tooling for NullAway itself:
- Prevent JMH tests from running on pre-v11 JDKs (#492)
- Bump to Error Prone 2.8.1 (#494), 2.9.0 (#497), and 2.10.0 (#507)
- Docs: Fix a broken link in README.md (#495)
- Update to Gradle 7.2 (#496), 7.3.1 (#509), and 7.3.3 (#530)
- Add Autodispose benchmark (#498)
- Bump jmh plugin to 0.6.6 (#500)
- Bump to Checker dataflow 3.20.0 (#510)
- CI tests for JDK 17 (#512)
- Some fixes to GitHub Actions config (#514)
- Make jar-infer-lib tests pass on JDK 11 (#523)
- Extra tests for all DummyOptionsConfig's methods (#525)
- Pull jmh Gradle plugin version to top level (#526)
- Add tests for JDK 16+ records (#527)
- Support for Coveralls on multiple modules (#521)
- Changes to avoid re-running Gradle tasks unnecessarily (#528)
- Allow specifying custom names for Contract annotations (#476)
- Use shaded Checker Framework dataflow artifact made for NullAway (#485)
- Bump Checker dataflow to 3.16.0 (#490)
- Library Models:
- Add library model for java.nio.file.Path.getParent() (#464)
- Default models support for Spring's Autowired (#477)
- Models for
- Build / CI tooling for NullAway itself:
- Small Gradle build cleanup (#469)
- Allow Error Prone API version to be configured via a property (#470)
- Also test NullAway on Error Prone 2.6.0 (#471)
- Check our code with Error Prone 2.6.0 (#472) [temporary, see below]
- Check code with Error Prone 2.7.1 (#480)
- Update to Gradle 7.0.2 (#481) then 7.1 (#486)
- Add a jmh module for benchmarking (#487, #489)
- Test on CI with Error Prone 2.8.0 (#491)
- Add baseline support for (Java 15) records (#377)
- Multiple build tooling fixed:
- Update Gradle to 6.8.3 (#451)
- Gradle: switch to java-library plugin where possible (#455)
- Switch from mvn-push script to gradle-maven-publish-plugin (#457)
- Fix publication of fat jar for jar-infer-cli. (#461)
- Add JarInfer models for Android 11 (SDK 30) (#460)
- IMPORTANT: Error Prone minimum version moved to 2.4.0 (#447)
- This allows compatibility with Error Prone 2.5.1 by moving to updated APIs.
- Remove Checker Framework shadow config from nullaway module (#449)
annotations are now checked (#312) (#428) (#450)- Add support for @RequiresNonnull/@EnsuresNonnull annotations (#423)
- [Fix] Handle WideningConversionNode in Map key specifiers (#415)
- [Fix] Try to handle lombok.Builder without crashing. (#414)
- [Fix] Ignore library models return nullability on first-party code (#446)
- Update to Checker Dataflow dependency to 3.6.0 (#416)
- Library Models:
- Add library model for TextView.getLayout() (#418)
- Add library model for Service.onStartCommand (#419)
- Models for common Spring/Spark/Apache utility classes (#436)
- Add support for jakarta.inject-api (#439)
- Build / CI tooling for NullAway itself:
- Update to Gradle 6.6.1 (#420)
- Switch CI to GitHub Actions (#440) (#442) (#450)
- Improve suppression of subcheckers, using full AST path (#392)
- Support null implies false library models (#394)
- Make
an alias for@Nullable
(#397) - Fix: android-jar.py's exit code. (#399)
- Upgrade Error Prone dependencies to 2.4.0. (#400)
- And fix detected issues (#403, #404)
- Allow library models of the form null param -> null return (#407)
- Make excluded class annotations work on nested classes (#412)
- Improved Map handling: Strings and integers. (#413)
- Also
builds are being published correctly again (#409) - New android-jarinfer-models-sdk29 artifact for Android 10
- Add Java 8 streams nullness-propagation support (#371)
- Give line numbers for uninitialized fields when reporting error on an initializer (#380)
- Include outer$inner class name when reporting field init errors (#375)
- Update to Gradle 6.1.1 (#381)
- Add @MonotonicNonNull as lazy initialization annotation. (#383)
- Add default library model for CompilationUnitTree.getPackageName() (#384)
- Improve matching of native Map methods (#390)
- Fixes an IndexOutOfBoundsException checker crash
- Multiple dependency upgrades
- Gradle to 5.6.2. (#362)
- WALA to 1.5.4 (#337)
- Checker Dataflow to 3.0.0 (#369)
- Added OPTIONAL_CONTENT synthetic field to track Optional emptiness (#364)
- With this,
should be ready for use.
- With this,
- Handle Nullchk operator (#368)
- Added NullAway.Optional suppression (#359)
- [JarInfer] Ignore non-public classes when inferring annotations. (#360)
- [Optionals] Support Optional isPresent call in assertThat (#349)
- Preconditions checkNotNull support, added missing cases. (#355)
- [JarInfer] Use Android Nullable/NonNull annotations for AARs (not javax) (#357)
- Library models for guava's AsyncFunction (#328)
- Annotate StringUtils.isBlank() of org.apache.commons (lang & lang3) (#330)
- Adding support for Aar-to-aar transformation (#334)
- Add support for @RecentlyNullable and @RecentlyNonNull (#335)
- Update to Gradle 5.5.1 (#336)
- Don't compute frames on bytecode writting in JarInfer (#338)
- Use exact jar output path when possible in JarInfer (#339)
- Avoid adding redundant annotations during bytecode rewriting in JarInfer (#341)
- Handle cases when there are no annotations on methods or parameters in JarInfer (#342)
- Fix #333 Nullaway init suppression issue (#343)
- Add option to JarInfer to deal with signed jars (#345)
- Fix #344 onActivityCreated known initializer (#346)
- Skip read-before-init analysis for assert statements (#348)
- Allow models to override @nullable on third-party functional interfaces (#326)
- Defines Guava's Function and Predicate as @NonNull->@NonNull by default.
- Add support for Jar to Jar transformation to JarInfer (#316)
- Refactor the driver and annotation summary type in JarInfer (#317)
- Minor refactor and cleanup in JarInfer-lib (#319)
- Different approach for param analysis (#320)
- Fix @NullableDecl support (#324)
- Treat methods of final classes as final for initialization. (#325)
- Optional support for assertThat(...).isNotNull() statements (#304)
- Fix NPE in AccessPathElement.toString() (#306)
- Add tests for optional emptiness support with Rx (#308)
- Support for assertThat in JUnit and Hamcrest. (#310)
- Add support for CoreMatchers and core.IsNull in hamcrest. (#311)
- Make class-level caches for InferredJARModelsHandler instance fields. (#315)
- Install GJF hook using a gradle task, rather than a gradlew hack (#298).
- Nullable switch expression support (#300).
- Upgrade to Error Prone 2.3.3 (#295). Update Gradle, Error Prone plugin, and Android Gradle Plugin (#294). Add support for UNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT (#303).
- Remove warning about @nullable var args (#296).
- Added Optional emptiness handler (#278).
to enable (experimental) support forOptional
emptiness. - Improved (partial but sound-er) varargs support (#291).
- Refactor for ErrorMessage class use (#284).
- Custom path to Optional class for Optional emptiness handler (#288).
- Add support for methods taking literal constant args in Access Paths. (#285).
This only adds a minor library fix supporting Guava's Preconditions.checkNotNull with an error message argument (#283)
- Various fixes for generating @SuppressWarnings (#271)
- Improved error message now doesn't tell users to report NullAway config errors to Error Prone (#273)
- Adding support for Activity and Fragment coming from the support libraries (#275)
- Library models fixes (#277)
- Add Fragment.onViewCreated as a known initializer. (#279)
- Initial support for JDK 11 (#263). Core NullAway should be working, but JarInfer does not yet work.
- Disable JarInfer handler by default (#261).
is now required to enable the JarInfer handler. - Add models for Apache StringUtils isEmpty methods (#264)
- Optimize library model lookups to reduce overhead (#265)
- Fix handling of enhanced for loops (#256)
- Handle lambda override with AcknowledgeRestrictiveAnnotations (#255)
- Handle interaction between AcknowledgeRestrictiveAnnotations and TreatGeneratedAsUnannotated (#254)
- Enable excluded class annotations to (mostly) work on inner classes (#239)
- Assertion of not equal to null updates the access path (#240)
- Update Gradle examples in README (#244)
- Change how jarinfer finds astubx model jars. (#243)
- Update to Error Prone 2.3.2 (#242)
- Update net.ltgt.errorprone to 0.6, and build updates ((#248)
- Restrictive annotated method overriding (#249)
Note: This can require significant annotation changes if
is set. Not a new minor version, since that option is false by default. - Fix error on checking the initTree2PrevFieldInit cache. (#252)
- Add support for renamed android.support packages in models. (#253)
- Add support for marking library parameters as explicitly @Nullable (#228)
- De-genericize NullnessStore (#231)
- Bump Checker Framework to 2.5.5 (#233)
- Pass nullability info on enclosing locals into dataflow analysis for lambdas and anonymous / local classes (#235)
- Add coverage measurement through coveralls. (#224)
- Fix empty comment added when AutoFixSuppressionComment is not set. (#225)
- Make JarInfer generated jars fully deterministic by removing timestamps. (#227)
- Allow for custom Error URLS (#220)
- Fix crash with native methods invoked from initializer (#222)
- Add AutoFixSuppressionComment flag. (#213)
- [JarInfer] Write to/load from separate astubx model jars (#214)
- Update readme and tooling versions (#217)
- Update to Error Prone 2.3.1 and centralize Java compiler flags (#218)
- [JarInfer] Handler for @Nullable return value annotations (#216)
- JarInfer: Third-party bytecode analysis (MVP version) (#199)
- Handle @NotNull in hasNonNullAnnotation. (#204)
- Handler for separate Android models jar (#206)
- fix: zip entry size error (#207)
- Small test for restrictive annotations and generics. (#209)
- Create android-jarinfer-models-sdk28 and fix release scripts. (#210)
- JarInfer checks for null tested parameters #211
Note: This is the first release to include jar-infer-cli, jar-infer-lib, and android-jarinfer-models-sdk28 artifacts
- Fix NPE in Thrift handler on complex receiver expressions (#195)
- Add ExcludedFieldAnnotations unit tests. (#192)
- Various crash fixes (#196)
- Fix @NonNull argument detection in RestrictiveAnnotationHandler. (#198)
- Various fixes for AcknowledgeRestrictiveAnnotations (#194)
- Breaking change: Warn when castToNonNull method is not passed @NonNull (#191)
- Add -XepOpt:NullAway:AcknowledgeRestrictiveAnnotations config flag. (#189)
- WARNING: This feature is broken in this release, fixed on 0.5.1
- Add support for LEFT_SHIFT and RIGHT_SHIFT (#188)
- Remove a suppression from a test that doesn't need it. (#183)
- Support Objects.isNull (#179)
- Clean up some unnecessary state (#168)
- Properly read type use annotations when code is present as a class file (#172)
- Fix NPE inside NullAway when initializer methods use try-with-resources (#177)
- Fix a couple of Thrift issues (#164)
- Don't report initialization warnings on fields for @ExternalInit classes with no initializer methods (#166)
- Fix bug with handling Thrift
calls (#161)
- add UnannotatedClasses option (#160)
- properly handle compound assignments (#157)
- handle unboxing of array index expression (#158)
- Upgrade Checker Framework dependency to upstream version 2.5.0 (#150)
- Don't crash on field initialization inside an enum (#146)
- Properly find super constructor for anonymous classes (#147)
- Add a Handler for supporting isSetXXXX() methods in Thrift-generated code (#148)
- Use
as autofix in a couple more places (#149)
- Initial RxNullabilityPropagator support for method references. (#141)
- Support for checking uses of method references (#139, #140). Note that this may lead to new NullAway warnings being reported for code that previously passed.
- Add support for
to RxNullabilityPropagator (#137)
- Small bug fix in
support (#136)
- Support for a subset of JetBrains
annotations (#129) - Built-in support for JUnit 4/5 assertNotNull, Objects.requireNonNull
- Fix crash when using try-with-resource with an empty try block. (#135)
- Support for treating
-annotated classes as unannotated (#127)
- Support for classes with external initialization (#124)
- Made dependence on Guava explicit (#120)
- Significantly improved handling of try/finally (#123)
- Just fixed a Gradle configuration problem
- Bug fixes (#107, #108, #110, #112)
- Update library models to require full method signatures rather than just method names (#90). This is an API-breaking change; if you've written your own library models, they will need to be updated.
- Support @BeforeEach and @BeforeAll as initializer annotations, and @Inject and @LazyInit as excluded field annotations. (#81)
- Support Checker Framework's @NullableDecl annotation (#84)
- Add models for java.util.Deque methods (#86)
- Add model for WebView.getUrl() (#91)
- minor fixes (#69, #71)
- Fix bug with accesses of fields from unannotated packages (#67)
- Add models for ArrayDeque (#68)
- New feature: NullAway now does some checking that
fields are not used before the are initialized (#58, #63). Updating to 0.2.0 may cause "read before initialized" problems to be detected in code that was NullAway-clean before. - Model
as returning@Nullable
, matching the spec. This may also cause new warnings in code that was previously NullAway-clean.
- Make NullAway's Error Prone dependence compileOnly (#50). This could help reduce size of annotation processor paths, speeding build times.
- Handle AND, OR, XOR expressions getting autoboxed (#55)
- Handle @Nullable type use annotations (#56)
- -XepOpt:NullAway:ExcludedClasses accepts package prefixes. (#38)
- Handle unary minus and unary plus (#40)
- Handle prefix increment / decrement (#43)
- add check for unannotated packages when excluding a class (#46)
- We now check static fields and initializer blocks (#34)
- Fix for lambdas where the functional interface method had
return type (#37)
- Add finer grained suppressions and auto-fixes (#31). You can
suppress initialization errors specifically now with
- Fix performance issue with lambdas (#29)
- Add lambda support to the RxNullabilityPropagator handler. (#12)
- Another lambda fix (#23)
- Fixes for lambdas (#13, #17)
- Downgrade Checker Framework due to crash (#7)
- More modeling of Rx operators (#8)
- Update Checker Framework dependence to pick up bug fix (#4)
- Initial release