This is an exhaustive list of command-line switches and flags introduced by ungoogled-chromium.
Each switch has a corresponding entry on the chrome://flags
page which can be filtered by searching for ungoogled-chromium
If a switch requires a value, you must specify it with an =
sign; e.g. flag --foo
with value bar
should be written as --foo=bar
NOTE: If you add a command-line argument that is also in
, the flag's state will not be indicated inchrome://flags
. There is no universal way to ensure command-line flags are taking effect, but you can find if they're being seen by checkingchrome://version
Description --disable-beforeunload
Disables JavaScript dialog boxes triggered by beforeunload
Disables GREASE for TLS. Combined with --http-accept-header
allows browser to look more like a tor-browser. See #783 for more details.--disable-search-engine-collection
Disable automatic search engine scraping from webpages. --extension-mime-request-handling
Change how extension MIME types (CRX and user scripts) are handled. Acceptable values are download-as-regular-file
. Leave unset to use normal behavior.--fingerprinting-canvas-image-data-noise
(Added flag to Bromite feature) Implements fingerprinting deception for Canvas image data retrieved via JS APIs. In the data, at most 10 pixels are slightly modified. --fingerprinting-canvas-measuretext-noise
(Added flag to Bromite feature) Scale the output values of Canvas::measureText() with a randomly selected factor in the range -0.0003% to 0.0003%, which are recomputed on every document initialization. --fingerprinting-client-rects-noise
(Added flag to Bromite feature) Implements fingerprinting deception of JS APIs getClientRects()
by scaling their output values with a random factor in the range -0.0003% to 0.0003%, which are recomputed for every document instantiation.--force-punycode-hostnames
Convert all Internationalized Domain Names to punycode (ASCII representation of Unicode). See #370 for more details. --hide-crashed-bubble
Hides the bubble box with the message "Restore Pages? Chromium didn't shut down correctly." that shows on startup after the browser did not exit cleanly. --http-accept-header
Changes the default value of the Accept
HTTP header sent with HTTP requests. Combined with--disable-grease-tls
allows browser to look more like a tor-browser. See #783 for more details.--keep-old-history
Disables deletion of local browser history after 90 days --max-connections-per-host
(from Bromite) Configure the maximum allowed connections per host. Valid values are 6
Restrict omnibox autocomplete results to a combination of search suggestions (if enabled), bookmarks, and internal chrome pages. Accepts search
, andsearch-bookmarks-chrome
Makes popups open in new tabs. -
Description --bookmark-bar-ntp
Sets the visibility of the bookmark bar on the New Tab Page. Only takes the value never
Show a warning prompt when closing the browser window. Accepts last
(prompt when closing the last window with several tabs) andmultiple
(prompt only if more than one window is open).--close-window-with-last-tab
Determines whether a window should close once the last tab is closed. Only takes the value never
Allows setting a custom URL for the new tab page. Value can be internal (e.g. about:blank
), external (
), or local (e.g.file:///tmp/startpage.html
). This applies for incognito windows as well when not set to achrome://
internal page.--disable-sharing-hub
Disables the sharing hub button. --enable-incognito-themes
Allows themes to change the appearance of Incognito windows. --hide-extensions-menu
Hides the extensions container. This includes the puzzle piece icon as well as any pinned extensions. --hide-fullscreen-exit-ui
Hides the "X" that appears when the mouse cursor is moved towards the top of the window in fullscreen mode. Additionally, this hides the "Press F11 to exit full screen" popup. --hide-tab-close-buttons
Hides the close buttons on tabs. --remove-grab-handle
Removes the reserved empty space in the tabstrip for moving the window. --remove-tabsearch-button
Removes the tabsearch button from the tabstrip. --scroll-tabs
Determines if scrolling will cause a switch to a neighboring tab if the cursor hovers over the tabs, or the empty space beside the tabs. The flag requires one the values: always
. When omitted, the default is to use platform-specific behavior, which is currently enabled only on desktop Linux.--show-avatar-button
Sets visibility of the avatar button. The flag requires one of the values: always
(only show Incognito or Guest modes), ornever
Allows removing the tab hover cards or using a tooltip as a replacement. This can be set with the values none
Description --disable-encryption
Disable encryption of cookies, passwords, and settings which uses a generated machine-specific encryption key. This is used to enable portable user data directories. --disable-machine-id
Disables use of a generated machine-specific ID to lock the user data directory to that machine. This is used to enable portable user data directories.
Feature flags are similar to switches with the difference being that they are passed as values for the --enable-features
switch. Multiple features can be passed at the same time by separating them with a comma, e.g. --enable-features=flag1,flag2,flag3
These are also available on the chrome://flags
Feature Description MinimalReferrers
Removes all cross-origin referrers and strips same-origin referrers down to the origin. Has lower precedence than NoCrossOriginReferrers
Removes all cross-origin referrers. Has lower precedence than NoReferrers
Removes all referrers. ReducedSystemInfo
Reduces the amount of system information obatainable through headers and javascript, also causes hardwareConcurrency to respond with two cores. RemoveClientHints
Removes client hints (information sent to servers about your system, similar to a user agent). SetIpv6ProbeFalse
Forces the result of the browser's IPv6 probing (i.e. IPv6 connectivity test) to be unsuccessful. This causes IPv4 addresses to be prioritized over IPv6 addresses. Without this flag, the probing result is set to be successful, which causes IPv6 to be used over IPv4 when possible. SpoofWebGLInfo
Return generic values for WebGLDebugRendererInfo to remove a potential data leak while preventing potential website breakage. -
Feature Description ClearDataOnExit
Clears all browsing data on exit. DisableLinkDrag
Prevents dragging of links and selected text. Allows selecting text from a middle of a link. Also allows starting selection without first clearing the existing one. This behaviour is similar to the one from older Opera. See #2080 and #2055 for more information. DisableQRGenerator
Disables the QR generator for sharing page links.
Chromium contains switches that do no have corresponding entries in chrome://flags
. For convenience, ungoogled-chromium has created entries for some of the commonly-used switches.
Description --disable-top-sites
Disables the top sites and most visited entries on the new tab page. --disable-webgl
Disable all versions of WebGL. --enable-low-end-device-mode
Force low-end device mode when set. --force-dark-mode
Forces dark mode in UI for platforms that support it. --no-default-browser-check
Disables the default browser check. --no-pings
Don't send hyperlink auditing pings. --webrtc-ip-handling-policy
Restrict which IP addresses and interfaces WebRTC uses. -
Description --incognito
Start in Incognito. --start-maximized
Starts the browser maximized, regardless of any previous settings.