Current behavior
The Generator is not doing e.g. DataTemplate or ControlTemplate in some resources or even in tag of the control itself.
The created things are added INSIDE other elements which naturally resulting in not longer working properly if happening.
Not clear what I mean? See this video made from exactly what I am expirencing happening:
It is not even telling, that it has produced problems only the "no changes to be applyed" which is not at all the case XD
Expected behavior
Maybe some DataTemplate in HeaderTemplate like it was told, or even in the resources via x:Key, also possible way to do.
Which tool(s) are affected?
No response
How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible)
See the video attached in the current behaviour
you can use it, but be aware, that you will have to sort the propertys added afterwards to the correct place (okay, maybe just do not create templates with it at this point, saves nerves ;) )
Affected platforms
Desktop (Skia)
Uno.Sdk version
IDE used
Visual Studio 2022
IDE version
Uno Platform Extension version
Relevant plugins
No response
Anything else we need to know?
I did delete some stackpanels which has been duplicated added (I did not see it did add them already, not tool fault) before which resulted in a known issue #29 and can a starting source of this issue be, which started to confuse the tool to finally lead to this.