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Releases: usgs/shakemap
Releases · usgs/shakemap
Update 2
Update 1
This version of ShakeMap is a complete update and refactoring of the previous version of ShakeMap (known as v3.5). The major new features of v4.0 are outlined below:
- The code base has been rewritten in the Python 3 programming language (v3.5 was largely in Perl). As part of that process, the source code control was changed from Subversion to Git and maintained on GitHub ( The new development environment includes continuous integration testing, and we have a current code coverage of approximately 93%.
- The interpolation scheme at the heart of ShakeMap was updated to use the conditional multivariate normal distribution, as described in Worden, et al. (2018).
- The ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs) used by ShakeMap are now drawn from the extensive and well-tested set provided by the HazardLib module of the OpenQuake software produced by the Global Earthquake Model (GEM) project (
- The event bias is now computed using current best practices consistent with GMPE development (mixed-effects regression).
- v4.0 supports new distance measures required by some modern GMPEs (such as Rx and RY0).
- ShakeMap can now employ a weighted combination of GMPEs.
- v4.0 uses new point-source distance approximations based on Thompson and Worden (2017).
- The overall propagation of errors is more consistently handled and more formally correct.
- v4.0 is easily configured to support an arbitrary number of output spectral periods, and can support new ground motion parameters (e.g., duration, Arias Intensity).
- v4.0 allows the operator to compute ground motions for a set of pre-defined points, rather than a uniform grid. This feature enables outside operators and organizations to customize ShakeMap for a set of facilities.
- The automatic queueing system was redesigned to be more system agnostic, allowing its incorporation into diverse seismic network workflows.
- v4.0 includes a redesigned specification of the earthquake rupture to be more flexible, and outputs the rupture as a GeoJSON file which will facilitate its integration into the USGS Earthquake web site.
- The “select” module (formerly called “zoneconfig”) has been updated to support geographic regionalization required by some new GMPEs, and provides support for a smooth transitioning between regions.
- A redesigned output format (HDF) that incorporates all of the output grids, input data and configuration parameters, and metadata into a single file. This file will support alternative workflows, and possible future integration into web services.
- The installation process has been greatly simplified and can be carried out by an unprivileged user.
- Configuration is simpler and more intuitive.
- The documentation has been completely rewritten and is available online at The documentation includes a set of verification examples that can be reviewed and reproduced by the end user.
Eric M. Thompson, C. Bruce Worden (2017); Estimating Rupture Distances without a Rupture. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 108 (1): 371–379. doi:
Worden, C.B., E.M. Thompson, J.W. Baker, B.A. Bradley, N. Luco, and D.J. Wald (2018). Spatial and Spectral Interpolation of Ground Motion Intensity Measure Observations, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 108(2): 866-875. doi:
Pre release
Merge pull request #621 from cbworden/grid_test Coremod tests
Test tagging 0.6
Merge pull request #204 from cbworden/tag_test Updated readme.