Callbacks are strictly more powerful and don’t require unnecessary goroutines.
Also is easy to write correct code
Server implementation(untested)
type ServerV2 struct {
Producer Producer
Consumer Consumer
type MessageSender func(*Message) error
type Consumer interface {
Init(topic, consumer string, sendMessage MessageSender) error
ReceiveConfirmation(*Confirmation) error
Close() error
type ConfirmationSender func(*Confirmation) error
type Producer interface {
Init(topic string, publisher string, sendConfirmation ConfirmationSender) error
ReceiveMessage(*Message) error
Close() error
func (s *ServerV2) Consume(stream MessageSource_ConsumeServer) error {
_, cancel := context.WithCancel(stream.Context())
defer cancel()
c := &consumer{Consumer: s.Consumer}
for {
msg, err := stream.Recv()
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
return nil
if strings.HasSuffix(err.Error(), "context canceled") {
return nil
return err
//todo handle returned errors
go c.handleRequest(msg, stream)
type consumer struct {
started *atomicBool
Consumer Consumer
func (c *consumer) handleRequest(msg *ConsumerRequest, stream MessageSource_ConsumeServer) error {
switch {
case msg.GetStartRequest() != nil:
if c.started.Get() {
return ErrStartedTwice
sr := msg.GetStartRequest()
sendMessage:= func(m *Message) error {
err := stream.Send(m)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
if err := c.Consumer.Init(sr.GetTopic(), sr.GetConsumer(), sendMessage); err != nil {
return err
case msg.GetConfirmation() != nil:
if !c.started.Get() {
return ErrInvalidConfirm
return c.Consumer.ReceiveConfirmation(msg.GetConfirmation())
return ErrInvalidRequest
type publisher struct {
started *atomicBool
Producer Producer
func (p *publisher) handleRequest(msg *PublisherRequest, stream MessageSink_PublishServer) error {
switch {
case msg.GetStartRequest() != nil:
if p.started.Get() {
return ErrStartedTwice
sr := msg.GetStartRequest()
sendConfirmation := func(c *Confirmation) error {
return stream.Send(c)
p.Producer.Init(sr.Topic, "", sendConfirmation)
case msg.GetMsg() != nil:
if !p.started.Get() {
return ErrNotConnected
return p.Producer.ReceiveMessage(msg.GetMsg())
return nil
func (s *ServerV2) Publish(stream MessageSink_PublishServer) error {
_, cancel := context.WithCancel(stream.Context())
defer cancel()
p := &publisher{Producer: s.Producer}
for {
msg, err := stream.Recv()
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
return err
if strings.HasSuffix(err.Error(), "context canceled") {
return err
return err
//todo handle returned errors
go p.handleRequest(msg, stream)
type atomicBool struct{ flag int32 }
func (b *atomicBool) Set(value bool) {
var i int32 = 0
if value {
i = 1
atomic.StoreInt32(&(b.flag), int32(i))
func (b *atomicBool) Get() bool {
if atomic.LoadInt32(&(b.flag)) != 0 {
return true
return false
and the backend(untested):
var _ = proximo.Consumer(&NatsHandlerConsumer{})
var _ = proximo.Producer(&NatsHandlerProducer{})
type NatsHandlerConsumer struct {
Url string
sub *nats.Subscription
func (n *NatsHandlerConsumer) Init(topic, consumer string, sendMessage proximo.MessageSender) error {
conn, err := nats.Connect(n.Url)
if err != nil {
return err
//defer conn.Close()
ch := make(chan *nats.Msg, 64) //TODO: make 64 configurable at startup time
sub, err := conn.ChanSubscribe(topic, ch)
if err != nil {
return err
n.sub = sub
for {
select { // drop
case m := <-ch:
Data: m.Data,
Id: proximo.GenerateID(),
return nil
func (n *NatsHandlerConsumer) ReceiveConfirmation(c *proximo.Confirmation) error { return nil }
func (n *NatsHandlerConsumer) Close() error { return n.sub.Unsubscribe() }
type NatsHandlerProducer struct {
Url string
topic string
sendConfirmation proximo.ConfirmationSender
conn *nats.Conn
func (n *NatsHandlerProducer) Init(topic string, publisher string, sendConfirmation proximo.ConfirmationSender) error {
var err error
n.topic = topic
n.conn, err = nats.Connect(n.Url)
if err != nil {
return err
return err
func (n *NatsHandlerProducer) ReceiveMessage(msg *proximo.Message) error {
err := n.conn.Publish(n.topic, msg.GetData())
return err
func (n *NatsHandlerProducer) Close() error {
return nil
No labels