gbt dtrees always use float instead of the real data type cause unexpected predict result. #1628
Describe the bug
I'm working on convert lightGBM model to daal gbt model. And the converted model predict different result which is much different
to that lightGBM predict.
And I have found that the gbt_dtrees model always use float as the code shows.
If i changed the typedef to typedef double ModelFPType
, the result would be just as expected.
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- use example model from lightgbm lightgbm simple_example, and apply this change for generate a 200 iterations model to make error more easy to be observed.
index 9af83008..debb339c 100644
--- a/examples/python-guide/
+++ b/examples/python-guide/
@@ -35,9 +35,10 @@ print('Starting training...')
# train
gbm = lgb.train(params,
- num_boost_round=20,
+ num_boost_round=340,
- early_stopping_rounds=5)
+ verbose_eval=False,
+ early_stopping_rounds=100)
- convert the model and predict
d4p_model = daal4py.get_gbt_model_from_lightgbm(gbm)
d4p_y_pred = daal4py.gbt_regression_prediction().compute(X_test, d4p_model).prediction.reshape(-1)
print("The rmse of daal4py's prediction is:", mean_squared_error(y_test, d4p_y_pred))
print('are preds of daal4py and lightGBM equal:', (d4p_y_pred == y_pred).all())
print('The rmse of daal4py vs lightGBM is:', mean_squared_error(d4p_y_pred, y_pred) ** 0.5)
the release package will see two pred result is not equal.
apply the patch
index 6b4ffc3af..16aac9b18 100644
--- a/cpp/daal/src/algorithms/dtrees/gbt/gbt_predict_dense_default_impl.i
+++ b/cpp/daal/src/algorithms/dtrees/gbt/gbt_predict_dense_default_impl.i
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ namespace prediction
namespace internal
-typedef float ModelFPType;
+typedef double ModelFPType;
typedef uint32_t FeatureIndexType;
const FeatureIndexType VECTOR_BLOCK_SIZE = 64;
- all works well.
Expected behavior
Use real data type, or the reason why the float is the one~
Up one is the unexpected result, and bottom is what I recompiled with typedef double ModelFPType
- OS: ArchLInux
- Compiler: gcc 11.1.0
- Version: 2021.2.2