Pain points:
- VBD apps are static. New apps are penalized and people struggle to see them (You need to scroll to the right);
- No way to search featured dApps;
- UI is a bit outdated;
Potential enhancements:
We could take a small enhancement prior to a more complete redesign. The immediate enhancement could democratise the displaying of X2E dapps and other minor components that could enhance usability.
Should we list the X2E dApps:
a. Randomly - shuffle
b. dapps you use
c. new dapps first. -
Highlight the Favourite section for bookmarked apps.
X2E owners would probably like to have their dapps get more exposure whereas a user may want to see dapps they use.
- Ecosystem token - should we add a searcher to search for dApps?
- Should users have a favourited section.