The Problem
Currently we assign arbitrary error codes in different modules e.g.
fn code(&self) -> usize {
// ...
match self {
Undefined { .. } => 105,
WrongNumberOfArgs { .. } => 106,
UnknownKeyword { .. } => 108,
Compilation { .. } => 610,
// ...
These codes are scattered across different files and there's nothing preventing us from reusing them.
We should aggregate these under a single enum in src/compiler/errors
Without giving this too much thought (might revisit later), we can have static arrays of codes:
const FUNCTION_CALL_ERROR_CODES: &[(FunctionCallError, usize)] = &[
(Undefined, 105),
(WrongNumberOfArgs, 106),
(UnknownKeyword, 108),
(Compilation, 610),
// ...
and then use them like so:
impl DiagnosticMessage for FunctionCallError {
fn code(&self) -> usize {
use FunctionCallError::*;
.find(|&&(ref variant, _)| variant == self)
.map(|&(_, code)| code)
.expect("Error code not found for FunctionCallError variant")
If we find duplicates and have to re-assign codes, we will also need to update:
Changing codes assigned to errors IMO isn't a breaking change.
To VRL users, if you use these codes, please comment in this ticket!
Ideally these should be generated from code, see #280.