based on this discussion
a nice feature would be to have a break
instruction to finish an ongoing iteration, like when you iterate on a for_each
instruction like in
# Define a map of IP ranges and their classifications
range_map = {
"": "private",
"": "private",
"": "private",
"": "loopback",
"": "link_local",
"": "multicast",
"": "carrier_nat",
"": "documentation",
"": "documentation",
"": "documentation",
"": "documentation",
"": "reserved",
# IPv6 Ranges
"::1/128": "loopback",
"fc00::/7": "private", # Unique Local Addresses (ULA)
"fe80::/10": "link_local",
"ff00::/8": "multicast",
"100::/64": "discard", # RFC 6666
"2001:db8::/32": "documentation", # RFC 3849
"2002::/16": "6to4_tunnel",
"::ffff:0:0/96": "ipv4_mapped",
"::/128": "unspecified",
"::ffff:0:0:0/96": "ipv4_translated",
"2001::/23": "reserved", # IANA reserved block
"4000::/2": "reserved" # Reserved for future use
# Default to "public"
.source.ip_type = "public"
# Check which range the IP belongs to
for_each(range_map) -> |cidr, ip_type| {
if ip_cidr_contains!(cidr, to_string!(.source.ip)) {
.source.ip_type = ip_type
it would be more efficient for sure if there would be a way to break the for_each
for_each(range_map) -> |cidr, ip_type| {
if ip_cidr_contains!(cidr, to_string!(.source.ip)) {
.source.ip_type = ip_type
but break
is not supported and reserved for future use
error[E205]: reserved keyword
┌─ :46:9
46 │ break
│ ^^^^^
│ │
│ this identifier name is reserved for future use in the language
│ use a different name instead
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