I am trying to execute the example for convolutional coding at code rate 3/4. The generator matrix [5, 7] for R=1/2 is used and punctured with [[1,0,1],[1,1,0]] to get R=3/4. But the BER values of viterbi decoded outputs are higher than that of uncoded output. Also the size of the coded bits is as per 1/2 rate and not 3/4. Is it an issue with the 'conv_encode' function or am I missing any steps in between?
Also is there any method to get the coding rate 3/4 using generator matrix?
import numpy as np
import commpy.channelcoding.convcode as cc
import commpy.modulation as modulation
def BER_calc(a, b):
num_ber = np.sum(np.abs(a - b))
ber = np.mean(np.abs(a - b))
return int(num_ber), ber
N = 100 #number of symbols per the frame
message_bits = np.random.randint(0, 2, N) # message
M = 2 # modulation order (BPSK)
k = np.log2(M) #number of bit per modulation symbol
modem = modulation.PSKModem(M) # M-PSK modem initialization
generator_matrix = np.array([[5, 7]]) # generator branches
trellis = cc.Trellis(np.array([2]), generator_matrix) # Trellis structure
rate = 3/4 # code rate
L = 7 # constraint length
m = np.array([L-1]) # number of delay elements
tb_depth = 5*(m.sum() + 1) # traceback depth
EbNo = 5 # energy per bit to noise power spectral density ratio (in dB)
snrdB = EbNo + 10*np.log10(k*rate) # Signal-to-Noise ratio (in dB)
noiseVar = 10**(-snrdB/10) # noise variance (power)
N_c = 10 # number of trials
BER_soft = np.zeros(N_c)
BER_hard = np.zeros(N_c)
BER_uncoded = np.zeros(N_c)
for cntr in range(N_c):
message_bits = np.random.randint(0, 2, N) # message
coded_bits = cc.conv_encode(message_bits, trellis,puncture_matrix=punctureMatrix) # encoding
modulated = modem.modulate(coded_bits) # modulation
modulated_uncoded = modem.modulate(message_bits) # modulation (uncoded case)
Es = np.mean(np.abs(modulated)**2) # symbol energy
No = Es/((10**(EbNo/10))*np.log2(M)) # noise spectrum density
noisy = modulated + np.sqrt(No/2)*\
1j*np.random.randn(modulated.shape[0])) # AWGN
noisy_uncoded = modulated_uncoded + np.sqrt(No/2)*\
1j*np.random.randn(modulated_uncoded.shape[0])) # AWGN (uncoded case)
demodulated_soft = modem.demodulate(noisy, demod_type='soft', noise_var=noiseVar) # demodulation (soft output)
demodulated_hard = modem.demodulate(noisy, demod_type='hard') # demodulation (hard output)
demodulated_uncoded = modem.demodulate(noisy_uncoded, demod_type='hard') # demodulation (uncoded case)
decoded_soft = cc.viterbi_decode(demodulated_soft, trellis, tb_depth, decoding_type='unquantized') # decoding (soft decision)
decoded_hard = cc.viterbi_decode(demodulated_hard, trellis, tb_depth, decoding_type='hard') # decoding (hard decision)
NumErr, BER_soft[cntr] = BER_calc(message_bits, decoded_soft[:message_bits.size]) # bit-error ratio (soft decision)
NumErr, BER_hard[cntr] = BER_calc(message_bits, decoded_hard[:message_bits.size]) # bit-error ratio (hard decision)
NumErr, BER_uncoded[cntr] = BER_calc(message_bits, demodulated_uncoded[:message_bits.size]) # bit-error ratio (uncoded case)
mean_BER_soft = BER_soft.mean() # averaged bit-error ratio (soft decision)
mean_BER_hard = BER_hard.mean() # averaged bit-error ratio (hard decision)
mean_BER_uncoded = BER_uncoded.mean() # averaged bit-error ratio (uncoded case)
print("Soft decision:\n{}\n".format(mean_BER_soft))
print("Hard decision:\n{}\n".format(mean_BER_hard))
print("Uncoded message:\n{}\n".format(mean_BER_uncoded))
PS: The package and libraries are from the Github cloned version.
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