.. currentmodule:: altair
Altair can be installed, along with all its optional dependencies, using:
pip install "altair[all]"
If you are using the conda package manager, the equivalent is:
conda install -c conda-forge altair-all
At this point, you should be able to open any IDE compatible with Jupyter Notebooks,
and execute any of the code from the :ref:`example-gallery`.
For more information on how to display charts in various notebook environments
and non-notebook IDEs, see :ref:`displaying-charts`.
If you wish to install Altair with only the required dependencies,
you can omit the [all]
Altair can also be installed with just the dependencies necessary for saving charts to offline HTML files or PNG/SVG/PDF formats, using:
pip install "altair[save]"
Please see CONTRIBUTING.md for details on how to contribute to the Altair project.