I'm having an issue:
- If I upload an empty file, I encounter an uncaught error. Then, if I attempt to upload the same empty file again, the window becomes unresponsive, requiring a refresh to restore functionality.
- I also noticed the same problem on the demo app located at
- Interestingly, I haven't observed this error when using the following code snippet:
initialLanguage: 'en',
messages: {
en: {
uploadError: (current) => i18n.__('SimpleSchema.uploadError', { label: current.label }), //File-upload
I can't even catch the error from the onError event of the insert
That's the error I had :
"isClientSafe": true,
"error": 500,
"reason": "[FilesCollection] [insert] Insert method accepts File, not a FileList. You need to provide a real File. File must
property, and its size must be larger than zero.",
"message": "[FilesCollection] [insert] Insert method accepts File, not a FileList. You need to provide a real File. File must
property, and its size must be larger than zero. [500]",
"errorType": "Meteor.Error"
I am using ostrio:[email protected] and ostrio:[email protected]
Then I upgraded those packages and the autoform package to latest versions and I have the same error with those verions :
- aldeed:[email protected]
- ostrio:[email protected]
- ostrio:[email protected]