Link to the code that reproduces this issue
To Reproduce
- Clone and build the repro, or try it on
- Enter the Perplexity API Key (why perplexity is explained later, but has to do with Cloudflare)
- Test the same API Call from Node.js and Edge runtimes
- Node.js works, Edge fails
- The culprit is in the "x-middleware-subrequest" header sent by the "fetch" request from the Edge runtime (never specified by the user)
Example of running this repro:
Current vs. Expected behavior
As a user of the fetch() API to call api endpoints, I expect it to work from both NodeJS and Edge Runtime requests. However what happens is that outgoing request headers differ without any user input.
The substantial difference from Node to Edge as far as outgoing HTTP (fetch) request is:
- User agent:
vsNext.js Middleware
- x-middleware-subrequest: present
vs absent - nothing else is meaningful
As this relates to, overzealous providers such as Cloudflare may block the fetch request when x-middleware-subrequest is present, rejecting all API calls from Edge Runtimes.
Provide environment information
Operating System:
Platform: win32
Arch: x64
Version: Windows 11 Home
Available memory (MB): 65142
Available CPU cores: 16
Node: 22.14.0
npm: 10.9.2
Yarn: 1.22.19
pnpm: N/A
Relevant Packages:
next: 15.2.3 // Latest available version is detected (15.2.3).
eslint-config-next: N/A
react: 19.0.0
react-dom: 19.0.0
typescript: 5.8.2
Next.js Config:
output: N/A
Which area(s) are affected? (Select all that apply)
Headers, Middleware, Runtime
Which stage(s) are affected? (Select all that apply)
next dev (local), next build (local), next start (local), Vercel (Deployed)
Additional context
This relates to and
Due to the recent vulnerability some providers such as Cloudflare may block "x-middleware-subrequest".
Despite using the latest version of NextJS, fetch() (nodejs) requests that are made from the Edge runtime (export const runtime="edge", as opposed to ...="nodejs") will contain headers that will trigger the blocking rules.
In this report, we show how calling the Perplexity API (one API behind Cloudflare policies) will result in blockage of requests coming from Edge Runtime fetch() calls, and not from the NodeJS Runtime fetch() calls.
Note that the user does not seem to have control of the headers that get injected by NextJS and so does not have any possibility of fixing the issue.