provider "" {
version = "2.10.0"
constraints = "~> 2.10"
hashes = [
# Vercel Firewall Configuration
resource "vercel_firewall_config" "main" {
count = var.environment != "prod" ? 1 : 0
project_id = var.vercel_project_id
rules {
rule {
name = "Blocklist"
active = true
description = "IP addresses or CIDRs to always block."
action = {
action = "deny"
condition_group = [{
conditions = [{
type = "ip_address"
op = "inc"
value = ["", "", ""]
conditions = [{
type = "user_agent"
op = "sub"
neg = true
value = "google"
rule {
name = "POST /en-US/users/sign-in missing hipcamp session"
active = true
action = {
action = "deny"
condition_group = [{
conditions = [{
type = "path"
op = "eq"
value = "/en-US/users/sign-in"
conditions = [{
type = "method"
op = "eq"
value = "POST"
conditions = [{
type = "cookie"
op = "ex"
neg = true
key = "_hipcamp_session"
rule {
name = "Challenge all POST sign-ins to /en-US/users/sign-in"
active = false
action = {
action = "challenge"
condition_group = [{
conditions = [{
type = "path"
op = "eq"
value = "/en-US/users/sign-in"
conditions = [{
type = "method"
op = "eq"
value = "POST"
conditions = [{
type = "environment"
op = "eq"
value = "production"
rule {
name = "Block ddos attacks"
active = true
description = "Block requests from Hong Kong, China Vietnam etc"
action = {
action = "deny"
condition_group = [{
conditions = [{
type = "geo_country"
op = "inc"
value = "RU, RO, CZ, HK, SG, LV, TH, PS"
rule {
name = "FirstJA4"
active = false
action = {
action = "log"
condition_group = [{
conditions = [{
type = "ja4_digest"
op = "eq"
value = "t13d2014h2_a09f3c656075_14788d8d241b"
Errors received
With the code above, when Terraform Cloud attempts to create the firewall, the following error is received:

However, if I change the code to:
rule {
name = "Block ddos attacks"
active = true
description = "Block requests from Hong Kong, China Vietnam etc"
action = {
action = "deny"
condition_group = [{
conditions = [{
type = "geo_country"
op = "inc"
value = ["RU", "RO", "CZ", "HK", "SG", "LV", "TH", "PS"]
I receive the following error during $ terraform plan
│ Error: Incorrect attribute value type
│ on line 88, in resource "vercel_firewall_config" "main":
│ 88: condition_group = [{
│ 89: conditions = [{
│ 90: type = "geo_country"
│ 91: op = "inc"
│ 92: value = ["RU", "RO", "CZ", "HK", "SG", "LV", "TH", "PS"]
│ 93: }]
│ 94: }]
│ Inappropriate value for attribute "condition_group": element 0: attribute
│ "conditions": element 0: attribute "value": string required.
Operation failed: failed running terraform plan (exit 1)
There is no way to both pass the terraform plan and apply phases.
No labels