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bufferStalledError on iOS 18.0.1 when looping video #6890




What version of Hls.js are you using?


What browser (including version) are you using?

Mobile Safari 18.0.1

What OS (including version) are you using?

iOS 18.0.1

Test stream


  "debug": true,
  "enableWorker": true,
  "lowLatencyMode": true,
  "backBufferLength": 90

Additional player setup steps

Player needs to have loop enabled


Steps to reproduce

  1. Open test stream page with iOS 18.0.1 device. I think any 18.* version is affected
  2. Enable loop on the video

In the demo page I managed to get this done by adding the "loop" attribute to the video element manually by connecting my iPhone to a Mac. I didn't see any toggle or option in the page for it.

Alternatively you can reproduce it by playing the video here:

  1. Play the video and wait until the end of video

Expected behaviour

Video should loop from the start

What actually happened?

Video stops on the last frame and there is bufferStalledError in the console. Code is also stuck on some loop based on console logs.

This happens almost every time on the first loop, but sometimes it might take two or more loops.

In the canary version ( this happens much more rarely for some reason, but I observed it happen.

Console output

[Log] Using Hls.js config: – {debug: true, enableWorker: true, lowLatencyMode: true, …} (hls-demo.js, line 24445)
{debug: true, enableWorker: true, lowLatencyMode: true, backBufferLength: 90}Object
[Log] [log] >"Debug logs enabled for \"Hls instance\" in hls.js version 1.5.17" (hls.js, line 555)
[Log] [log] >"stopLoad" (hls.js, line 28714)
[Log] [log] >"loadSource:" (hls.js, line 28681)
[Log] [log] >"[stream-controller]:""Trigger BUFFER_RESET" (hls.js, line 27726)
[Log] [log] >"attachMedia" (hls.js, line 28653)
[Log] [log] >"[buffer-controller]""created media source: ManagedMediaSource" (hls.js, line 18439)
[Log] [log] >"[level-controller]:""manifest loaded, 1 level(s) found, first bitrate: 2800000" (hls.js, line 26403)
[Log] [log] >"setting initial bwe to 2800000" (hls.js, line 7373)
[Log] [log] >"[buffer-controller]""1 bufferCodec event(s) expected" (hls.js, line 18431)
[Log] [log] >"startLoad(-1)" (hls.js, line 28703)
[Log] [log] >"[level-controller]:""Switching to level 0 (720p SDR @2800000) from level -1" (hls.js, line 26617)
[Log] [log] >"[level-controller]:""Loading level index 0 with" (hls.js, line 26506)
[Log] [log] >"[stream-controller]:""STOPPED->IDLE" (hls.js, line 10764)
[Log] [log] >"[subtitle-stream-controller]:""STOPPED->IDLE" (hls.js, line 10764)
[Log] [log] >"[buffer-controller]""Media source opened" (hls.js, line 18324)
[Log] [log] >"[stream-controller]:""IDLE->STOPPED" (hls.js, line 10764)
[Log] [log] >"[level-controller]:""Switching to level 0 (720p SDR @2800000) from level 0" (hls.js, line 26617)
[Log] [log] >"[level-controller]:""Loading level index 0 with" (hls.js, line 26506)
[Log] [log] >"[stream-controller]:""STOPPED->IDLE" (hls.js, line 10764)
[Log] [log] >"[subtitle-stream-controller]:""IDLE->STOPPED" (hls.js, line 10764)
[Log] [log] >"[subtitle-stream-controller]:""STOPPED->IDLE" (hls.js, line 10764)
[Log] [log] >"[stream-controller]:""Level 0 loaded [0,0], cc [0, 0] duration:3.4" (hls.js, line 27772)
[Log] [log] >"[buffer-controller]""Updating Media Source duration to 3.400" (hls.js, line 18978)
[Log] [log] >"[stream-controller]:""Loading fragment 0 cc: 0 of [0-0] level: 0, target: 0" (hls.js, line 10017)
[Log] [log] >"[stream-controller]:""IDLE->FRAG_LOADING" (hls.js, line 10764)
[Log] [log] >"injecting Web Worker for \"main\"" (hls.js, line 16003)
[Log] [log] >"[transmuxer-interface, main]: Starting new transmux session for sn: 0 p: -1 level: 0 id: 1↵    discontinuity: true↵    trackSwitch…" (hls.js, line 16104)
"[transmuxer-interface, main]: Starting new transmux session for sn: 0 p: -1 level: 0 id: 1
    discontinuity: true
    trackSwitch: true
    contiguous: false
    accurateTimeOffset: true
    timeOffset: 0
    initSegmentChange: true"
[Log] [log] >"[stream-controller]:""Loaded fragment 0 of level 0" (hls.js, line 9748)
[Log] [log] >"Debug logs enabled for \"main\" in hls.js version 1.5.17" (4090a1c5-69b0-49fe-8e8b-dd4d315a971e, line 555)
[Log] [log] >"[mp4-remuxer]: ISGenerated flag reset" (hls.js, line 16220)
[Log] [log] >"[mp4-remuxer]: initPTS & initDTS reset" (hls.js, line 16220)
[Log] [log] >"[mp4-remuxer]: reset next timestamp" (hls.js, line 16220)
[Log] [log] >"manifest codec:undefined, ADTS type:2, samplingIndex:3" (hls.js, line 16220)
[Log] [log] >"parsed codec:mp4a.40.5, rate:48000, channels:2" (hls.js, line 16220)
[Log] [log] >"[stream-controller]:""FRAG_LOADING->PARSING" (hls.js, line 10764)
[Log] [log] >"[stream-controller]:""Init audio buffer, container:audio/mp4, codecs[selected/level/parsed]=[//mp4a.40.5]" (hls.js, line 28288)
[Log] [log] >"[stream-controller]:""Init video buffer, container:video/mp4, codecs[level/parsed]=[/avc1.4d401f]" (hls.js, line 28293)
[Log] [log] >"[buffer-controller]""0 bufferCodec event(s) expected audio,video" (hls.js, line 18599)
[Log] [log] >"[buffer-controller]""creating sourceBuffer(audio/mp4;codecs=mp4a.40.5)" (hls.js, line 19050)
[Log] [log] >"[buffer-controller]""creating sourceBuffer(video/mp4;codecs=avc1.4d401f)" (hls.js, line 19050)
[Log] [log] >"[audio-stream-controller]:""InitPTS for cc: 0 found from main: 130080" (hls.js, line 16355)
[Log] [log] >"[transmuxer.ts]: Flushed fragment 0 of level 0" (hls.js, line 16220)
[Log] [log] >"[stream-controller]:""PARSING->PARSED" (hls.js, line 10764)
[Log] [log] >"[stream-controller]:""Buffered main sn: 0 of level 0 (frag:[0.000-3.435] > buffer:[0.021-3.421])" (hls.js, line 9892)
[Log] [log] >"[stream-controller]:""PARSED->IDLE" (hls.js, line 10764)
[Log] [log] >"[buffer-controller]""audio sourceBuffer now EOS" (hls.js, line 18821)
[Log] [log] >"[buffer-controller]""video sourceBuffer now EOS" (hls.js, line 18821)
[Log] [log] >"[buffer-controller]""Queueing mediaSource.endOfStream()" (hls.js, line 18827)
[Log] [log] >"[stream-controller]:""IDLE->ENDED" (hls.js, line 10764)
[Log] [log] >"[buffer-controller]""Calling mediaSource.endOfStream()" (hls.js, line 18842)
[Log] [log] >"[buffer-controller]""Media source ended" (hls.js, line 18343)
[Log] [log] >"[stream-controller]:""ENDED->STOPPED" (hls.js, line 10764)
[Log] [log] >"[subtitle-stream-controller]:""IDLE->STOPPED" (hls.js, line 10764)
[Log] [log] >"[stream-controller]:""STOPPED->IDLE" (hls.js, line 10764)
[Info] [info] >"[abr] buffer is empty, optimal quality level 0" (hls.js, line 7624)
[Log] [log] >"[buffer-controller]""Queueing mediaSource.endOfStream()" (hls.js, line 18827)
[Log] [log] >"[stream-controller]:""IDLE->ENDED" (hls.js, line 10764)
[Log] [log] >"[subtitle-stream-controller]:""STOPPED->IDLE" (hls.js, line 10764)
[Log] [log] >"[buffer-controller]""Could not call mediaSource.endOfStream(). mediaSource.readyState: ended" (hls.js, line 18838)
[Log] [log] >"[stream-controller]:""ENDED->STOPPED" (hls.js, line 10764)
[Log] [log] >"[subtitle-stream-controller]:""IDLE->STOPPED" (hls.js, line 10764)
[Log] [log] >"[stream-controller]:""Override startPosition with lastCurrentTime @3.435" (hls.js, line 27397)
[Log] [log] >"[stream-controller]:""STOPPED->IDLE" (hls.js, line 10764)
[Info] [info] >"[abr] buffer is empty, optimal quality level 0" (hls.js, line 7624)
[Log] [log] >"[buffer-controller]""Queueing mediaSource.endOfStream()" (hls.js, line 18827)
[Log] [log] >"[stream-controller]:""IDLE->ENDED" (hls.js, line 10764)
[Warning] [warn] >"Playback stalling at @3.4346666666666668 due to low buffer ({\"len\":0,\"start\":3.4346666666666668,\"end\":3.4346666666666668})" (hls.js, line 27184)
[Warning] Error event: – {type: "mediaError", details: "bufferStalledError", fatal: false, …} (hls-demo.js, line 24783)
{type: "mediaError", details: "bufferStalledError", fatal: false, error: Error: Playback stalling at @3.4346666666666668 due to low buffer ({"len":0,"start":3.43466666666666…, buffer: 0, …}Object
[Log] [log] >"[subtitle-stream-controller]:""STOPPED->IDLE" (hls.js, line 10764)
[Log] [log] >"[buffer-controller]""Could not call mediaSource.endOfStream(). mediaSource.readyState: ended" (hls.js, line 18838)
[Log] [log] >"[stream-controller]:""ENDED->STOPPED" (hls.js, line 10764)
[Log] [log] >"[subtitle-stream-controller]:""IDLE->STOPPED" (hls.js, line 10764)
[Log] [log] >"[stream-controller]:""Override startPosition with lastCurrentTime @3.435" (hls.js, line 27397)
[Log] [log] >"[stream-controller]:""STOPPED->IDLE" (hls.js, line 10764)
[Info] [info] >"[abr] buffer is empty, optimal quality level 0" (hls.js, line 7624)
[Log] [log] >"[buffer-controller]""Queueing mediaSource.endOfStream()" (hls.js, line 18827)
[Log] [log] >"[stream-controller]:""IDLE->ENDED" (hls.js, line 10764)
[Log] [log] >"[subtitle-stream-controller]:""STOPPED->IDLE" (hls.js, line 10764)
[Log] [log] >"[buffer-controller]""Could not call mediaSource.endOfStream(). mediaSource.readyState: ended" (hls.js, line 18838)
[Log] [log] >"[stream-controller]:""ENDED->STOPPED" (hls.js, line 10764)
[Log] [log] >"[subtitle-stream-controller]:""IDLE->STOPPED" (hls.js, line 10764)
[Log] [log] >"[stream-controller]:""Override startPosition with lastCurrentTime @3.435" (hls.js, line 27397)
[Log] [log] >"[stream-controller]:""STOPPED->IDLE" (hls.js, line 10764)
[Info] [info] >"[abr] buffer is empty, optimal quality level 0" (hls.js, line 7624)
[Log] [log] >"[buffer-controller]""Queueing mediaSource.endOfStream()" (hls.js, line 18827)
[Log] [log] >"[stream-controller]:""IDLE->ENDED" (hls.js, line 10764)
[Log] [log] >"[subtitle-stream-controller]:""STOPPED->IDLE" (hls.js, line 10764)
... This keeps on going in a loop

Chrome media internals output

No response




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    Browser issueIf there is an underlying issue with the browser that hls.js is running on, this tag should be used.BugVerify FixedAn unreleased bug fix has been merged and should be verified before closing.browser: Safari


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