I'm using vim 7.3, and I've been running into more and more segfaults. I'm on ArchLinux, python support is enabled (I've installed the gvim package), and everything is up to date (I removed and re-installed vim-pandoc and vim-markdown to be sure).
The specific actions that trigger segfaults are
- Unfolding a text block
- Trying to tpye
The line at fault is 135
in vim-pandoc/syntax/pandoc.vim
(in-text citations without location). Whenever it is commented out, there are no more segfaults, but some citations are not recognized.
Is it possible that the regexp is responsible for that?
VIM - Vi IMproved 7.3 (2010 Aug 15, compiled Jul 2 2013 18:31:11)
Patches : 1-1287