Angol témacím: Applied artifical intelligence on Java, Node.JS or on other platform
Témacím: Alkalmazott Mesterséges Intelligencia Java, Node.JS vagy egyéb platformon
English title of the thesis: Examination and application of image processing algorithms (with neural nets)
Szakdolgozat címe: Képfeldolgozási algoritmusok vizsgálata és alkalmazása (neurális hálókkal)
Konzulens: Dr. Ekler Péter
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image processing: learn good exposure and some other retouch values on image (exposure, contrast, white balance, tint, vibrance values), and apply these to other images. So get an automatic retouch tool
- raw processing:
- process jpgs with CNN (get train, valid sets)
#ofHiddenLayers ?
input: raw converted to binary - uniform size
output: predicted values
error function:
- multiple error funtion for the different features?
- multiple parallel CNN to learn the different features?
MSE based on predicted and actual exif fields - compare the output with the fields of the exifdata
optimizer: Adam is OK and effective enough, but let's try others
- train the NNs, fix the trained NNs
- dropout
- in the beginning -- small dataset, but many epochs
- NN returns output
- generate .xmp file from output lists for raw image (same name as the raw)
- rewrite fields of originally created .xmp from raw -- based on the lists
- process .xmp (load & write)
- load automate generated .xmp-s and raws into Lightroom or other image processing software