Documentation is
- Missing
- Outdated
- Confusing
- Not sure?
Explain in Detail
There are two types of TypeScript files: Source files (.ts
, .tsx
, .cts
, .mts
) and declaration files (.d.ts
, .d.cts
, .d.mts
, .d.*.ts
Declaration files describe a JavaScript file. Typically users are supposed to author source files, and if relevant, emit declaration files as a build artifact. Users are typically not supposed to author declaration files. Yet, Vite recommends authoring a file named vite-env.d.ts
The practical problem often comes from users who don’t understand these differences and TypeScript compiler options. It’s common to enable the option skipLibCheck
. This option disables type checking of declaration files. So users end up with a file named vite-env.d.ts
that’s not type-checked. Another confusing aspect is TypeScript scripts vs modules. The option moduleDetection
affects source files, but not declaration files.
The convention to create a file named {tool}-env.d.ts
is not limited to Vite. I believe there are also astro-env.d.ts
and next-env.d.ts
. These frameworks suffer from the same problems.
Your Suggestion for Changes
I suggest to remove all references to vite-env.d.ts
, and replace them with vite-env.ts
. This file should also be explicitly marked as a module to avoid ambiguity. This includes the documentation as well as all project templates.
// vite-env.ts
/// <reference types="vite/client" />
declare global {
interface ImportMetaEnv {
readonly VITE_APP_TITLE: string
// more env variables...
interface ImportMeta {
readonly env: ImportMetaEnv
// Explicitly mark this file as a module.
export {}
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