Overview of the Issue
We had an issue today where:
- MySQL (5.7) crashed due to a corrupt memory error on the machine
- This triggered a core dump, which due to the large amount of memory that needed to be dumped took around 19 minutes
- During that time VTGate continued to route traffic to the VTTablet, and those queries hung indefinitely.
- Every minute the VTGate would report that it was transitioning the VTTablet from
serving true => false
but then it would immediately transition it back fromfalse => true
- As soon as the core-dump was complete (19 minutes later), and MySQL restarted, the VTTablet spotted that replication lag was now high and took the host offline until it caught up.
- Once replication lag caught up, the host was moved back to serving, and things were all 👍
I believe @dm-2 and I have tracked this down to being caused by a few things:
- The code that checks the replication status of the MySQL server passes a
Line 326 in a36de2c
Lines 34 to 40 in a36de2c
- As far as I can tell there are no cancellations or timeouts on this code. I believe that means the
will then block indefinitely if the MySQL host is in a bad state after the crash while it's doing a core-dump - The fact that this code blocks, then prevents repltracker.Status() from completing, which prevents the health state of the vttablet updating: lag, err := sm.rt.Status(), and prevents the updates state being broadcast back to the vtgate streamHealth.
- As far as I can tell there are no cancellations or timeouts on this code. I believe that means the
- On its own, this bug shouldn't be a huge deal, as the vtgate
code will detect that it's not seen an updated serving status come in from the vttablet for it's timeout (in our case 1 minute) and so will transition the vtgate's own state toserving false
.- This does indeed happen, and we see in the logs that we called
to transition the tablet toserving false
Lines 334 to 336 in 7fafc94
- However, after a short delay we will retry, and we will create a new StreamHealth connection to the vttablet to try again. When the initial connection is made, vttablet immediately sends back the "current" health state of the vttablet:
Lines 211 to 212 in a36de2c
- The vtgate then sees this "healthy" response, and transitions it's view of the vttablet back to
serving true
and starts routing traffic to it again.
- This does indeed happen, and we see in the logs that we called
- Another side-effect of this we spotted is that the
call from (1) holds
the whole time, which causes other code to be blocked indefinitely that relies on taking the lock, like/vars/debug
which cannot get the currentIsServing
state because of the lock:vitess/go/vt/vttablet/tabletserver/state_manager.go
Lines 678 to 683 in 7fafc94
Possible fixes:
It seems like the connection setup, and query execution to mysql in getPoolReconnect
needs a timeout to prevent it blocking indefinitely, and to set the vttablet's state to not serving if it cannot fetch replication state from mysql. I think that would resolve all the issues here?
Reproduction Steps
I don't know how to reliably reproduce this with clear steps. I'm guessing the problem would be visible if we crashed mysql in a non-graceful way such that it didn't fully terminate connections (or whatever happens while it's doing a core dump).
I think the analysis above covers it though.
Binary Version
Server version: 5.7.32-vitess Version: 14.0.1 (Git revision 631084ae79181ba816ba2d98bee07c16d8b2f7b4 branch 'master') built on Mon Nov 21 16:30:24 UTC 2022 by root@bcaa51ae028b using go1.18.4 linux/amd64
Operating System and Environment details
I don't know this off-hand but I don't know how pertinent it is given the details above?
Log Fragments
W1205 10:17:52.962960 1 tablet_health_check.go:335] tablet alias:{cell:"ash1" uid:171471394} hostname:"<crashed host>" port_map:{key:"grpc" value:15991} port_map:{key:"vt" value:15101} keyspace:"x_ks" shard:"c0-" key_range:{start:"\xc0"} type:REPLICA db_name_override:"x" mysql_hostname:"<crashed host>" mysql_port:3306 db_server_version:"0.0.0" default_conn_collation:45 healthcheck stream error: Code: CANCELED
I1205 10:17:52.963050 1 tablet_health_check.go:111] HealthCheckUpdate(Serving State): tablet: ash1-171471394 (<crashed host>) serving true => false for x_ks/c0- (REPLICA) reason: vttablet: rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
I1205 10:17:53.051535 1 tablet_health_check.go:111] HealthCheckUpdate(Serving State): tablet: ash1-171471394 (<crashed host>) serving false => true for x_ks/c0- (REPLICA) reason: healthCheck update
we then see the exact same pattern repeated one minute later, and every minute, until the core-dump completes and the host restarts.