Describe the bug
I use nsxt_policy_predefined_gateway_policy to change the default rule action from ALLOW to Drop in all gateway Firewalls.
For every Route Based VPN the NSX Manager creates a default rule. So I use the same ressource to set those rules to DROP as well.
Unfortunately I run into an issue in case there are multiple Route Based VPNs in the Same T1 or T0.
The TF Providers tries to change the order of those default rules. That is how the Change looks like with 4 Route Based VPNs:
Terraform will perform the following actions:
# module.vrf_On_CustomerT0_t0V-001.nsxt_policy_predefined_gateway_policy.gwFW-predefinedGatewayPolicy will be updated in-place
~ resource "nsxt_policy_predefined_gateway_policy" "gwFW-predefinedGatewayPolicy" {
id = "Policy_Default_Infra-tier0-df1f3954-0683-43db-89a0-f5bfe52fe142"
# (3 unchanged attributes hidden)
~ default_rule {
~ scope = "/infra/tier-0s/df1f3954-0683-43db-89a0-f5bfe52fe142/ipsec-vpn-services/8241df91-878f-45f9-8902-8d16a39d511e/sessions/84f05f4a-e89c-4d1e-a1bc-106a08a8e724" -> "/infra/tier-0s/df1f3954-0683-43db-89a0-f5bfe52fe142/ipsec-vpn-services/8241df91-878f-45f9-8902-8d16a39d511e/sessions/50c5e8d2-42b9-48d4-b705-640ffbe224b7"
# (8 unchanged attributes hidden)
~ default_rule {
~ scope = "/infra/tier-0s/df1f3954-0683-43db-89a0-f5bfe52fe142/ipsec-vpn-services/8241df91-878f-45f9-8902-8d16a39d511e/sessions/8ed8467a-deed-4d01-84eb-7623d6cd8814" -> "/infra/tier-0s/df1f3954-0683-43db-89a0-f5bfe52fe142/ipsec-vpn-services/8241df91-878f-45f9-8902-8d16a39d511e/sessions/84f05f4a-e89c-4d1e-a1bc-106a08a8e724"
# (8 unchanged attributes hidden)
~ default_rule {
~ scope = "/infra/tier-0s/df1f3954-0683-43db-89a0-f5bfe52fe142/ipsec-vpn-services/8241df91-878f-45f9-8902-8d16a39d511e/sessions/f71d6083-d34d-456c-847c-142156b0983d" -> "/infra/tier-0s/df1f3954-0683-43db-89a0-f5bfe52fe142/ipsec-vpn-services/8241df91-878f-45f9-8902-8d16a39d511e/sessions/8ed8467a-deed-4d01-84eb-7623d6cd8814"
# (8 unchanged attributes hidden)
~ default_rule {
~ scope = "/infra/tier-0s/df1f3954-0683-43db-89a0-f5bfe52fe142/ipsec-vpn-services/8241df91-878f-45f9-8902-8d16a39d511e/sessions/50c5e8d2-42b9-48d4-b705-640ffbe224b7" -> "/infra/tier-0s/df1f3954-0683-43db-89a0-f5bfe52fe142/ipsec-vpn-services/8241df91-878f-45f9-8902-8d16a39d511e/sessions/f71d6083-d34d-456c-847c-142156b0983d"
# (8 unchanged attributes hidden)
# (2 unchanged blocks hidden)
Plan: 0 to add, 1 to change, 0 to destroy.
That is how the TF Code looks like:
resource "nsxt_policy_predefined_gateway_policy" "gwFW-predefinedGatewayPolicy" {
path = "/infra/domains/default/gateway-policies/Policy_Default_Infra-tier0-${}"
dynamic "default_rule" {
for_each = toset(concat(length(keys(var.vpnConfiguration)) > 0 ? [for session in module.VpnTunnels["1"].vpnSessions : session.path if session.vpn_type == "RouteBased"] : []))
content {
scope = default_rule.value
logged = true
log_label = local.fwRuleLogLabel
action = "DROP"
default_rule {
scope = nsxt_policy_tier0_gateway.t0V.path
logged = true
log_label = local.fwRuleLogLabel
action = "DROP"
I can apply those changes without an error message but during the next tf plan the same change is detected again.
I would sort the input for my for_each statement into the same order as the NSX Manager is sorting the VTI Default Rules, but I don't know what the correct order is.
Or do you have the possibility to fix that somehow in the nsx tf provider?
Reproduction steps
See description
Expected behavior
See description
Additional context
Terraform Version: 1.8.5
NSX TF Provider: v3.8.0
NSX Manager: