Describe the bug
When using a function as the document
props of <ApolloSubscribeToMore />
the component makes a new subscription every time the UI is re-rendered.
To Reproduce
First, add logs to your subscription resolver to see the extra subscriptions:
Subscription: {
countChanged: {
subscribe: () => {
console.log(new Date()); // HERE
return pubsub.asyncIterator([COUNT_CHANGED]);
The following example behaves normally:
But the following example triggers a subscription every time the UI is re-rendered:
(change any data used in the template to trigger UI re-render)
- There is no difference whether you use an inline
tag orrequire()
, so I choose a shorter example.
:query="gql => require('@/graphql/Count.gql')"
:document="gql => require('@/graphql/CountChanged.gql')"
And the following example stops receiving events after the first UI re-render:
:query="gql => require('@/graphql/Count.gql')"
Expected behavior
The <ApolloSubscribeToMore />
component should send only one subscription and no more when the UI is re-rendered.
vue: 2.6.11
vue-apollo: 3.0.5
apollo-client: 2.6.10
Additional context
I found this behavior when seeing this warning on my server: (node:17612) MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 COUNT_CHANGED listeners added to [EventEmitter]. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit