[Question] directives:v-model or vModel?v-show or vShow? #703
🧐 Problem Description
I tried to use v-model
in vue jsx,according to the doc,I used v-model
to bind a value to an input element,and it worked as expected.
Howerve,I found that it can also be written in the form of vModel
,which works the same way.
I searched many places and didn't find this form.I want to konw why this form is not in the doc.
💻 Sample code
<script setup lang="tsx">
import { ref,reactive } from 'vue';
const val = ref(1)
const isShow = ref(true)
const TestComponent = () => (
in script:<input vShow={isShow.value} vModel={val.value}/>
<div class="demo">
<TestComponent />
<div>in template:<input v-model="val" /></div>
<div>val:{{ val }}</div>
<button @click="isShow = !isShow">change visibility</button>
<button @click="val++">click</button>