this is an excellent next version of the Vue Dev Tools. Very well done!
This might be the wrong repo as the origin of the error message below might come from a plugin. Please let me know so I can move this to the right place.
On Windows there seems to be an issue with Components (RouterView) that use VueRouter's "magic" properties in their file name like the sample "User ID" component from the router documentation [id].vue
I have "vue-router": "^4.4.0"
and "unplugin-vue-router": "^0.10.0"
If I click the HTML element generated by [id].vue
I see this in the terminal
Could not open [id].vue in the editor.
When running on Windows, file names are checked against a safe file name pattern to protect against remote code execution attacks. File names may consist only of alphanumeric characters (all languages), periods, dashes, slashes, and underscores.
If I need brackets in the file name to make use of automagic RouterView props, how can I use this on Windows (NTFS) where brackets are not permitted?
- can I use different characters than
that'd do the trick and also work on Linux and Mac? - can this honourable safety check be disabled if the webpage runs on "localhost" (or a box on my LAN) where "remote code execution attacks" are very unlikely...
Thank you!