const wrapper: ReturnType<typeof mount<SomeComponent>> = mount(SomeComponent);
This is giving me the error ComponentPublicInstance<{}, Omit<{ value: string; }, never>> is not assignable to type
ComponentPublicInstance<NonNullable<Partial<{}> & Omit<{} & VNodeProps & AllowedComponentProps & ComponentCustomProps & Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, never>>, { ...; } & ... 6 more ... & Omit<...>>
What am I doing wrong? The type can of course be resolved automatically, but only if you directly assing it to. constant. if you want to have a wrapper defined but not immediately assigned (which happens later in beforeEach), this leads to type errors.
I guess the best practices are to not create the wrapper in beforeEach but in each test (?), but I have over 300 test-suites in a project I did not set up myself and I need to improve the type-safety without refactoring them all. I do not want ot use "any" for this.