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Option to disable auto-completion of double quotes when adding attributes #3304



  • I have searched through existing issues
  • I have read through docs
  • I have read FAQ
  • I have tried restarting VS Code or running Vetur: Restart VLS


  • Platform: macOS
  • Vetur version: 0.35.0
  • VS Code version: 1.63.2


I would like to suppress Vetur from auto adding a pair of double quotes when I enter class=.

(This appears to happen when adding any attribute, not just class but I experience this issue with class the most.)

When in HTML mode, when I type: class= I then need to type an additional double quote character which results in: class=“” and my cursor is inside the quotes and I can happily start entering my classes: class=“classname”

With Vetur installed, when I type: class= Vetur auto adds the pair of double quotes: class=“”, with muscle memory, I end up typing the additional double quote, which then takes the place of the second double quote that Vetur inserted and when I start adding classes, I end up doing this: class=“”classname.

I just want consistency. I don’t want to have to think: “When using Vetur I have to not type quotes at all” and “Now I’m using vanilla HTML, I have to add the quotes semi-manually.” If there was a setting in VS Code where I could force VS Code to ALWAYS have the same behavior as Vetur when adding attributes, for all html-type syntaxes, then I would force myself to re-learn the new workflow across he board. But since this does not seem to be possible, it is frustrating to have an extra thing to think about while coding since the behavior is not customizable.

So, I want to know how I can tell Vetur to not automatically add a pair of double quotes when typing class=

vetur-attribuites-quotes 2022-01-07 17_11_26

Reproducible Case

  • Open new file, choose HTML language.

  • Create <div></div>

  • Start adding a class to the div by typing: class=“

  • Note that after you type the opening double quote, the ending double quote is auto added, and you are able to start adding classes inside the quotes as expected.

  • Open a new file, choose Vue as the language, scaffold a new Vue document.

  • Create <div></div>

  • Start adding a class to the div by typing: class=“

  • Note that Vetur adds a pair of double quotes quickly after entering = so when the user enters the editor thinks it is re-typing the closing double quote.

  • The cursor is now outside the double-quote pair, and more work is needed to properly add the class in the right place.



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