I believe that a negative number in an Arabic language sentence would look like 23-, and to type that you would type hyphen,two,three, in that order. Same for a range/expression, eg. 10-20 would look like 20-10, and be typed 1,0,-,2,0. So far so good.
I believe that Persian expressions and ranges normally run LTR (like Hebrew), which i assume means that a negative number in a sentence would look like -23.
First, is my expectation for the rendered order of -23 correct for Persian (just to be sure)?
Second, how do Persian content authors manage that, given that by default the bidi algorithm produces the Arabic language rendering (ie. with the minus sign to the right)? I'm more interested in how they actually do it, rather than in how they could do it in theory.
Here's a test. (Btw, it's possible to edit that test easily, take a snapshot, and provide the URL for any changes.)