diff --git a/2.1/ai/ai-owl.omn b/2.1/ai/ai-owl.omn
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7c0a3338b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2.1/ai/ai-owl.omn
@@ -0,0 +1,3132 @@
+Prefix: bibo:
+Prefix: dcam:
+Prefix: dct:
+Prefix: foaf:
+Prefix: org:
+Prefix: owl:
+Prefix: profile:
+Prefix: rdf:
+Prefix: rdfs:
+Prefix: schema:
+Prefix: scoro:
+Prefix: skos:
+Prefix: sw:
+Prefix: vann:
+Prefix: xml:
+Prefix: xsd:
+Prefix: :
+ owl:versionInfo "2.1"
+AnnotationProperty: owl:versionInfo
+AnnotationProperty: rdfs:isDefinedBy
+AnnotationProperty: skos:definition
+AnnotationProperty: skos:prefLabel
+AnnotationProperty: skos:scopeNote
+Datatype: rdf:langString
+Datatype: xsd:string
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Indicates the use of AI for the associated context"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "has AI"@en
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Indicates the use of AI system for the associated context"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "has AI system"@en
+ SubPropertyOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Indicates the use of AI capability for the associated context"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "has capability"@en
+ SubPropertyOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Associates data with an AI system or model or implementation"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "has data"@en
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Indicates the use of an GPAI model for the associated context"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "has GPAI model"@en
+ SubPropertyOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Indicates the use of an AI model for the associated context"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "has model"@en
+ SubPropertyOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Indicates the use of AI technique for the associated context"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "has technique"@en
+ SubPropertyOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Associates the data used for testing AI"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "has testing data"@en
+ SubPropertyOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Associates the data used for training AI"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "has training data"@en
+ SubPropertyOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Associates the data used for validating AI"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "has validation data"@en
+ SubPropertyOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Type of AI system that addresses a broad range of tasks with a satisfactory level of performance"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "A technical and scientific field devoted to the engineered system that generates outputs such as content, forecasts, recommendations or decisions for a given set of human-defined objectives"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Artificial Intelligence (AI)"@en
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Bias associated with development, use, or other activities involving an AI technology or system"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "AI Bias"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "An engineered system that generates outputs such as content, forecasts, recommendations or decisions for a given set of human-defined objectives (ISO/IEC 22989:2023 definition); or A machine-based system that, for explicit or implicit objectives, infers, from the input it receives, how to generate outputs such as predictions, content, recommendations, or decisions that can influence physical or virtual environments. Different AI systems vary in their levels of autonomy and adaptiveness after deployment (OECD 2024 definition)"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "AI System"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Risks associated with AI Systems"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "AI System Risk"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Capability to recognise actions"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Action Recognition"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ ,
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Inputs designed to cause the model to make a mistake"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Adversarial Attack"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Bias that occurs from the selection of machine learning algorithms built into the AI system which introduce unwanted bias in predictions made by the system because the type of algorithm used introduces a variation in the performance of the ML model"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Algorithm Selection Bias"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Capabilities related to the processing and generation of audio"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Audio Capability"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Capability to generate audio"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Audio Generation"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ ,
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Technique involving processing audio"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Audio Processing"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Capability for shortening a portion of content such as text while retaining important semantic information"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Automatic Summarisation"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ ,
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Bias tha occurs due to propensity for humans to favour suggestions from automated decision-making systems and to ignore contradictory information made without automation, even if it is correct"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Automation Bias"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Refers to Bayesian estimation approach"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Bayesian Estimation"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Probabilistic technique that uses Bayesian inference for probability computations using a directed acyclic graph"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Bayesian Network"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Refers to Bayesian optimisation technique"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Bayesian Optimisation"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Capability of a system in analysing people's behaviour"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Behaviour Analysis"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Capability involving processing of biometric data or related to biometrics"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Biometric Capability"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Capability involving assigning natural persons to specific categories based on their biometric data"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Biometric Categorisation"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Capability for recognisting emtions based on biometrics information"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Biometric Emotion Recognition"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Capability involving automated recognition of physical, physiological and behavioural human features such as the face, eye movement, body shape, voice, prosody, gait, posture, heart rate, blood pressure, odour, keystrokes characteristics, for the purpose of establishing an individual’s identity by comparing biometric data of that individual to stored biometric data of individuals in a reference database, irrespective of whether the individual has given its consent or not"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Biometric Identification"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Capability or use of AI to achieve a technical goal or objective"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Capability"@en,
+ skos:scopeNote "This concept refers to the application of an AI technique to achieve a technical goal or function, and is necessary to distinguish the 'algorithm' (ai:Technique) from the 'application' (ai:Capability) and 'goal' (dpv:Purpose)"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Category of AI systems that enables people and machines to interact more naturally"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Cognitive Computing"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Capability of a functional unit to acquire, process and interpret data representing images or video"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Computer Vision"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Capability for retrieval of information using the actual content to identify, select, filter, and provide results"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Content-based Retrieval"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Capability to generate new content that is distinct from merely deriving or transforming existing content"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Content Generation"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Capability for retrieval of information that takes into account the user's context such as e.g., location, time, device, or activity to provide more relevant results"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Context-aware Retrieval"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "The stage in the lifecycle where there is continuous learning within the AI system by incremental training on an ongoing basis while the system is running in production"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Continuous Validation Stage"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Feed forward neural network using convolution in at least one of its layers"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Data involved in the development and use of an AI system or model"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "AI Data"@en
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Bias that occurs from aggregating data covering different groups of objects that might have different statistical distributions which introduce bias into the data used to train AI systems"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Data Aggregation Bias"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Bias that occurs due to unaddressed data properties that lead to AI systems that perform better or worse for different groups"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Data Bias"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Bias that occurs due to the labelling process itself introducing societal or cognitive biases"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Data Labels And Labelling Process Bias"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Attack trying to manipulate the training dataset"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Data Poisoning"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Risk associated with data used or produced or otherwise involved in the context of AI"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Data Risk"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Technique for which inference is encoded as paths from the root to a leaf node in a tree structure"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Decision Tree"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "The stage in the lifecycle where the AI system is being decomissioned as part of retirement"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Decommission Stage"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Approach to creating rich hierarchical representations through the training of neural networks with many hidden layers"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Deep Learning"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "The stage in the lifecycle where the AI system is installed, released or configured for deployment and operation in a target environment"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Deployment Stage"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "The stage in the lifecycle where designs are created for the AI system"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Design Stage"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "The stage in the lifecycle where the development and creation of the system occurs, signalling upon completion that it is ready for verification and validation"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Development Stage"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Capability for choosing the appropriate next move in a dialogue based on user input, the dialogue history and other contextual knowledge to meet a desired goal"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Dialogue Management"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "The stage in the lifecycle where the AI system is being discarded as part of retirement"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Discard Stage"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Bias that occurs due to distributed machine having different sources of data that do not have the same distribution of feature space"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Distributed Training Bias"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Capability for identifying and categorizing emotions expressed in a piece of text, speech, video or image or combination thereof"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Emotion Recognition"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Bias that occurs due to machine learning model architectures - encompassing all model specifications, parameters and manually designed features"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Engineering Decision Bias"@en,
+ skos:scopeNote "Data bias and human cognitive bias can contribute to such bias"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "AI system that accumulates, combines and encapsulates knowledge provided by a human expert or experts in a specific domain to infer solutions to problems"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Expert System"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Capability involving automatic pattern recognition for comparing stored images of human faces with the image of an actual face, indicating any matching, if it exists, and any data, if they exist, identifying the person to whom the face belongs"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Face Recognition"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ ,
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Bias that occurs from steps such as encoding, data type conversion, dimensionality reduction and feature selection which are subject to choices made by the AI developer and introduce bias in the ML model"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Feature Engineering Bias"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Neural network where information is fed from the input layer to the output layer in one direction only"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Feed Forward Neural Network"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "A model that displays generality in terms of capabilities and potential applications"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "General Purpose AI Model"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Algorithm which simulates natural selection by creating and evolving a population of individuals (solutions) for optimization problems"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Genetic Algorithm"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Capability for recognising human gestures"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Gesture Recognition"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ ,
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Capabilities that are inherently about humans or oriented towards human characteristics and activities"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Human-Oriented Capability"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Bias that occurs from hyperparameters defining how the model is structured and which cannot be directly trained from the data like model parameters, where hyperparameters affect the model functioning and accuracy of the model"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Hyperparameter Tuning Bias"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Capability to generate image"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Image Generation"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Capability for image classification process that classifies object(s), pattern(s) or concept(s) in an image"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Image Recognition"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "The stage in the lifecycle where inception regarding AI occurs and one or more stakeholders decide to turn an idea into a tangible system"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Inception Stage"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "The stage in the lifecycle where an AI system is actively being monitored for incidents"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Incident Monitoring Stage"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "An algorithm or program featuring recursive calls or repetition control structures"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Inductive Programming"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "A robot or robotic system for use in industrial automation applications"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Industrial Robot"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Capability for retrieving relevant documents or parts of documents from a dataset, typically based on keyword or natural language queries"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Information Retrieval (IR)"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Bias that occurs or some groups, the mapping between inputs present in the data and outputs are more difficult to learn and where a model that only has one feature set available, can be biased against the group whose relationships are difficult to learn from available data"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Informativeness Bias"@en,
+ skos:scopeNote "This can happen when some features are highly informative about one group, while a different set of features is highly informative about another group. If this is the case, then a model that only has one feature set available, can be biased against the group whose relationships are difficult to learn from available data"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Concept representing input data containing or potentially containing bias"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Input Data Bias"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Concept representing input data being inaccurate"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Input Data Inaccurate"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Concept representing input data being inappropriate"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Input Data Inappropriate"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Concept representing input data being incomplete"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Input Data Incomplete"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Concept representing input data being inconsistent"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Input Data Inconsistent"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Concept representing input data being misclassified"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Input Data Misclassified"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Concept representing input data being misinterpretation"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Input Data Misinterpretation"@en
+ SubClassOf:
+ Annotations:
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy ,
+ skos:definition "Concept representing input data being noise"@en,
+ skos:prefLabel "Input Data Noise"@en
+ SubClassOf: