Personal Data (PD)
New Concept(s)
We would like to request that professionally confidential data be added to the list of types of data and personal data, either through a new terms or extended definition of an existing term.
Term: dpv:ProfessionallyConfidentialData
Label: Professionally Confidential Data
Definition: Data protected by professional secrecy or confidentiality, including but not limited to data covered by legal professional privilege, data covered by doctor-patient confidentiality and other forms of recognised professional confidentiality
Parent term: dpv:ConfidentialData
Source: /
Usage note: /
Changed Concept(s)
Existing Term: e.g., dpv:NewConcept or risk:NewConcept
Change: e.g., change label from X to Y, or add usage note stating "xyz"
Justification: optional comment giving reasons why the change should be made