diff --git a/spec/index.html b/spec/index.html
index 68d16fd..115c873 100644
--- a/spec/index.html
+++ b/spec/index.html
@@ -942,7 +942,7 @@
Graph Comparison
For every [=blank node=] |b|, |M|(|b|) is a [=blank node=] (but not necessarily the same as |b|).
For every [=literal=] |lit|, |M|(|lit|) is a [=literal=] that is [=literal term equality|equal=] to |lit|.
For every [=IRI=] |iri|, |M|(|iri|) is an [=IRI=] that is [=IRI equality|equal=] to |iri|.
- For every [=triple term=] |tt|, |M|(|tt|) is a [=triple term=] that is [=triple term equality|equal=] to |tt|.
+ For every [=triple term=] |tt| of the form (|s|, |p|, |o|), |M|(|tt|) is the triple term ( |M|(|s|), |M|(|p|), |M|(|o|) ).
Two [=RDF graphs=] |G| and G' are