New charter proposal, reviewers please take note.
Charter Review
- Charter
- diff from charter template
- diff from previous charter
- Note: the only thing that really changed is the scope section. Most of the other changes in the charter are due to the adoption of the new charter template.
- chair dashboard
What kind of charter is this?
Existing WG recharter
If this is a charter extension or revision, any issue discussion:
Communities suggested for outreach
(Digital) publishing in general, including
- W3C Publishing CG, W3C Publishing BG, W3C Publishing Steering Committee
- General mailing lists on the subjects, for example read20-l
- BISG and its other national counterparts
Known or potential areas of concern
The main concern is to have clear backing from publishers (we have many of the Reading System providers on board, like Apple, Google, Kobo/Rakuten, or EDRLab)
Where would charter proponents like to see issues raised?
Anything else we should think about as we review?
Under the current Working Group charter (expiring in June '25) the Group is not authorized to publish new versions of the Recommendation with class 4 changes. The objective of the new charter is to explicitly list features that were discussed/incubated in the Publishing Maintenance Working Group or elsewhere, and which are ready to be added to EPUB as
standard features following the standard Recommendation process.
There are no plans to fundamentally change EPUB 3.
cc: @shiestyle, @wareid, @rickj, @swickr, @BillKasdorf