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- Aaron Parecki, IndieWeb
- Allen L. Brown, Jr., Deixis, PBC
- Andrew Hughes
- Bart de Water, Shopify
- Brent Zundel, Evernym, Inc.
- Chris Boscolo, lifeID Foundation
- Chris Matichuk, Trust Science
- Christopher Allen, Co-chair, W3C Credentials CG
- Craig Spiezle, Agelight Advisory Group / US Postal Service
- Dalys Sebastian, Aware, Inc
- Dan Burnett, ConsenSys
- Daniel Buchner, Microsoft
- David Waite, Ping Identity
- Dick Hardt, Amazon
- Didier Serra, SecureKey
- Dirk Balfanz, Google
- Don Thibeau, OpenID Foundation
- Douwe Tolsma, The Descartes Systems Group Inc.
- Greg Kidd, GlobalId
- Gregory Natran, Digital Identity and Authentication Council of Canada
- Isaac Yuen, Microsoft
- Jack Callahan, Veridium
- Jeff Hodges, Google
- Jiewen Tan, Apple Inc.
- Jill Williamson, CKR Law
- Jim Masloski, Customs Direct LLC
- Joe Andrieu, Spec-Ops
- John Bradley, Yubico
- John Fontana, Yubico / W3C Web Authentication WG co-chair
- John Toohey, Dominode
- Joshua Shane, lifeID
- Kaliya Young, Internet Identity Workshop
- Karen Myers, W3C
- Ken Buchanan, Google
- Ken Ebert, Sovrin Foundation
- Kim Hamilton Duffy, Learning Machine
- Krystian Czesak, Shopify
- Manu Sporny, Digital Bazaar
- Marie Lathière, Gemalto
- Markus Sabadello, Danube Tech
- Mary Hodder, Kantara, Customer Commons
- Mathias Brossard, Arm
- Matthew Davie, Kiva
- Michel Weksler, Airbnb
- Mike Jones, Microsoft
- Mike West, Google
- Mitja Simcic, GlobalId
- Oliver Terbu, ConsenSys // uPort
- Pamela Dingle, Microsoft
- Pete Rowley, Wireline
- Peter Watkins, Province of British Columbia
- Praveen Devulapalli, Shift Payments
- Samuel Weiler, W3C / MIT
- Sanjay Jain, Trust Science
- Sarah Squire, Ping Identity
- Scott David, UW APL Information Risk Research Initiative
- Shigeya Suzuki, Keio University
- Steven Lynn, Thomson Reuters
- Steven Soneff, Google
- Takashi Minamii, JCB Co., Ltd.
- Theresa O'Connor, Apple Inc.
- Tom Jones,
- Tony Pearson, Thomson Reuters
- Wendy Seltzer, World Wide Web Consortium
- Will Abramson, Blockpass Identity Lab, Edinburgh Napier University