Read Motivations/Background below first.
- Develop "supplemental guidance" (SG) docs with similar format to WCAG Understanding docs.
(rough draft example)These would largely be the proposed SCs from COGA, LVTF and Mobile TF that have not (yet) made it into WCAG. - Clearly indicate in doc if it covers requirements in WCAG 2.0, requirements in WCAG 2.0 and 2.1, or supplemental guidance.
- Integrate existing Understanding docs, existing Techniques docs, and new SG docs in WAI website design and navigation.
- AG would approve SG docs before publication. TFs would draft them.
- Some SGs might eventually become SCs in WCAG 2.x — although most would not.
- This work would help inform Silver. Although current proposal is for content only, not user agent or other.
- Maybe call it something other than "supplemental guidance".
- Allows us to provide guidance that doesn't (yet) meet WCAG success criteria requirements. (Seems this would be much easier and faster than crafting success criteria.)
- Gives the SG high credibility (since looks like the WCAG Understanding docs) and good discover-ability and find-ability.
- All the guidance from the TFs and others is in one place (rather than each TF's guidance being in different places).