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# Algofy-Practical-Test---Portfolio

NPM Netlify Status

About the project

Algofy is a leading digital marketing agency working with dozens of brands across industries and Algofy's Practical Assignment is a task to evaluate problem-solving and understanding of web development concepts as part of their recruitment process. (

The project consists of using advanced CSS techniques to Create a responsive webpage which includes the following:

HTML, Advanced CSS, and JavaScript - Part 1

  • A navigation bar with three links: Home, About, Contact, and a logo (logos can be premade)
    • Application of advanced CSS techniques to enhance the navigation bar and make it mobile-friendly
  • A hero section with a heading, a subheading, and a background image (images can be premade)
  • An About section with a brief paragraph about yourself and an image and by using JavaScript, allow users to expand and collapse the paragraph on the About section
    • Application of CSS grid or flexbox to achieve a visually pleasing layout for this section
  • A Contact section with a form that includes fields for name, email, and message
    • Application of advanced CSS styling techniques to create an attractive form design.

Dynamic Content Generation - Part 2

Implementation of dynamic content rendering using the Liquid templating engine:

  • Create a JSON or YAML file that contains an array of objects, each representing a project you've worked on in the past
  • Use Liquid to dynamically generate a "Projects" section on your webpage and iterate through the array of project objects and display each project's information, including its name, description, and an image
  • Add a link or button to each project that leads to its corresponding GitHub repository
  • Use Liquid filters to truncate long project descriptions and ensure they fit neatly within the layout

Tech Stack Used

Front end

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Vanilla JavaScript

Version Control & Deployment

  • Netlify
  • Git

Cool Features

  • Responsive Nav Bar
  • Text effect on hover: nav bar items (Home, About, Contact)
  • Infinite Marquee
  • Vanilla Javascript Masonry
  • Typewriter Text Effect
  • Smooth Scrolling with mouse, keyboard, or trackpad
  • Responsive Grid Layout
  • Overlay effect with text on image hover
  • Responsive buttons


  • Porlane
  • NeueMontreal



  • #152a21
  • #21352c


  • #e6f3ed

Mobile Layout

Mobile 1

Mobile 2

Mobile 3

Tablet Layout

Tab 1

Tab 2

Tab 3

Tab 4

Desktop Layout

Web 1

Web 2

Web 3

Web 4

Developer's Log

  • You will notice that although the assignment requested me to use JSON and Liquid templates, the Liquid template aspect isn't included. (However, if you check my not-so-html folder, you will find a review.html file with every code I commented out because I intend to review them later on and understand why they didn't work as intended) The reason is that I found out not too long ago and I mean a few hours ago that Liquid templates don't work with HTML and JavaScript like I thought, so my JSON code obviously wasn't working. I then quickly found a way to do the same task but with Javascript, by creating a project-imgs.js file that creates an array of posts taking project images, names, descriptions, and links as objects in different variables and a function to iterate through the arrays, ultimately creating the necessary HTML structure. I tested it with images first as a test run to see if my code and logic would work since my JSON file wasn't working. And when it did, I progressively added the other details such as link, description, title, etc. and styled them with CSS, and also used Vanilla Js to create a Responsive MasonryGrid

How to access the website


  • Use the nav bar to navigate through the sections of the site
  • Click the buttons in the hero to access Contact Me or view my projects
  • Hover on images to reveal project details in the Project section
  • Use mouse, trackpad, and keyboard to scroll through the website (smooth scroll implementation)

To clone repository

Pré-requisitos: npm / yarn

# clone repository
git clone

# enter your folder name
cd your-folder-name

# install dependencies
yarn install

# execute the project
yarn start


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