Weave Policy Agent is a Mozilla Public License(MPL2) project. This is a Weaveworks open source product with a community led by Weaveworks ❤️
We welcome improvements to reporting issues and documentation as well as to code.
The internal guide is a work in progress but aims to cover all aspects of how to interact with the project and how to get involved in development as smoothly as possible.
These things will make a PR more likely to be accepted:
- a well-described requirement
- tests for new code
- tests for old code!
- new code and tests follow the conventions in old code and tests
- a good commit message (see below)
In general, we will merge a PR once at least one maintainer has endorsed it. For substantial changes, more people may become involved, and you might get asked to resubmit the PR or divide the changes into more than one PR.
Limit the subject to 50 characters and write as the continuation of the sentence "If applied, this commit will ..." Explain what and why in the body, if more than a trivial change; wrap it at 72 characters. The following article has some more helpful advice on documenting your work.