Failed to parse email-uri when SMTP password includes a '/' #2707
When the email-uri parameter includes a /
the code does not parse the uri correctly. We've had to rotate the key again to work around this
time="2021-03-10T09:09:28Z" level=info msg="Billing enabled for 100% of newly created organizations."
time="2021-03-10T09:09:28Z" level=info msg="creating gRPC client" url="billing-api.billing.svc.cluster.local:4772"
time="2021-03-10T09:09:28Z" level=fatal msg="Error parsing -email-uri: parse smtp://AKIAVPGRJ73ZSQQVLDG3:AjsRIkWmi+gZMFzOSpopPVB/[email protected]:587: invalid port \":AjsRIkWmi+gZMFzOSpopPVB\" after host"