Status: implementable
Creation date: 2022-10-26
Last update: 2022-10-26
Given a continuous delivery pipeline, the application goes via different environments on its way to production. We need an action to signal the intent of deploying an application between environments. That concept is generally known as a promotion. Current pipelines in weave gitops does not support promotion. This RFC addresses this gap as specified in the product initiative.
- Pipeline: a continuous delivery Pipeline declares a series of environments through which a given application is expected to be deployed.
- Promotion: action of moving an application from a lower environment to a higher environment within a pipeline. For example promote staging to production would attempt to deploy an application existing in staging environment to production environment.
- Promotion Strategy: a concrete promotion. for example, create a pull request could be a promotion strategy or promote by calling an external system.
- Promotion Target: the entity receiving the action of the promotion. For example, in the context of an strategy
create pull request
a promotion target will be the configuration git repo. In the example of calling external promotion, for example a jenkins server could be the promotion target. - Environment: An environment consists of one or more deployment targets. An example environment could be “Staging”.
- Deployment target: A deployment target is a Cluster and Namespace combination. For example, the above “Staging” environment, could contain {[QA-1, test], [QA-2, test]}.
- Application: A Helm Release.
Given a continuous delivery pipeline, the application goes via different environments in its way to production. We need an action to signal the intent of deploying an application between environments. That concept is generally known as a promotion. Current pipelines in weave gitops does not support promotion.
- Design the e2e solution for promotions on weave gitops pipelines.
- Should support the scenarios identified
- Anything beyond the scope of promotions.
- Scenarios other than the identified in the product initiative.
We propose to use a solution as specified in the following diagram.
participant F as Flux
participant LC as Notification Controller (Leaf)
F->>LC: deploy helm release
LC->>pc: send deployment change event
participant pc as Pipeline Controller (Managment)
pc->>pc: authz and validate event
participant k8s as Kubernetes Api
pc->>k8s: get pipeline
pc->>pc: is promotion required
participant k8s as Kubernetes Api
pc->>promotionTarget: execute promotion strategy
participant promotionTarget as Promotion Target
With three main activities
- Detect deployment changes
- Determine whether a promotion is needed
- Execute the promotion
The solution leverages flux native notification capabilities for this responsibility. Notification controllers in leaf clusters would notify of deployment events to the management cluster via a deployment webhook. The management cluster will ingest and validate these deployment events.
A deeper look into this part of the solution could be found here.
This responsibility is assumed by the pipeline controller
running in the management cluster that
determines whether, at the back of the deployment event and a pipeline definition, a promotion is required and
initialise the promotion.
A deeper look into this part of the solution could be found here.
Once the previous evaluation considers that a promotion is required, pipeline controller would be in charge of orchestrating and executing the promotion. The promotion configuration will be added as part of the pipeline spec.
A deeper look into this part of the solution could be found here.
This section does a quick look into non-functional requirements for the solution at glance.
The solution is secured by design as
- Communication between leaf and management clusters are via https channel with endpoint authz via HMAC.
- Deployment events are validated to reduce the risks of impersonation.
- Each promotion strategy will have their own security configuration.
The solution is scalable by design as
- It could horizontally scale by the number of replicas of pipeline controller.
- It could vertically scale by using
to concurrently handle promotion requests.
Pipeline controller will need to implement the fault tolerance and reliability features within its business logic per promotion strategy. For example, in the context of opening a pr against github, it will require to manage retries to recover from api rate limiting.
To leverage existing kubebuilder metrics. There will be the need
to enhance default controller metrics with business metrics like latency of a promotion by application
The current solution has been chosen over its alternatives (see alternatives section) due to
- It enables promotions.
- It allows to separations roles, therefore permissions between the components notifying the change and executing the promotion.
- It follows notification controller pattern.
- It is easier to develop over other alternatives.
- It keeps split user-experience and machine-experience apis.
On the flip side, the solution has the following constraints:
- Platform operators needs to manage another api surface, in this case, the
promotion webhook
endpoint. - Non-canonical usage of controllers as its behaviour is driven by ingested event than change in the declared state of a resource.
- We accept this tradeoff as pipeline controller provides us with a balanced approach between tech-debt and easy to start delivering over other alternatives (like creating another component).
This solution is the result of two different alternative evaluations:
- Alternatives to detect deployment changes.
- Alternatives to process and execute promotions.
This approach suggests the creation of kubernetes watchers per remote cluster. Each watcher would get notified whenever a Helm release in the remote cluster changes and take an action to start the next promotion based on the Pipeline definition.
actor U as operator
U->>+API Server: creates Pipeline
participant PC as Pipeline Controller
participant PS as Promotion Strategy
API Server->>+PC: notifies
participant dt1 as dev/target 1
rect rgb(67, 207, 250)
note right of PC: setup phase
note right of PC:<br/><br/>
PC->>+dt1: label AppRef with metadata
participant dt2 as dev/target 2
PC->>+dt2: label AppRef with metadata
participant pt1 as prod/target 1
PC->>+pt1: label AppRef with metadata
rect rgb(50, 227, 221)
note right of PC: promotion phase
PC-->>+dt1: watches HelmRelease and Kustomizations changes
PC-->>+dt2: watches HelmRelease and Kustomizations changes
PC-->>+pt1: watches HelmRelease and Kustomizations changes
dt1->>+PC: update events from AppRef
PC ->>PC: filter upgrade events
PC ->>PC: extract metadata
PC->>+PS: kicks off
- Plug n play: no further configurations or setup is needed to get updates.
- Simple authentication: No need to worry about who triggered the event, since we are talking directly with the target.
Disadvantages and Mitigations
- Requires Flux on all leaf clusters.
- Scalability is unclear, we don't know the threshold at which the controller will be able to handle without issues.
- There is no way to kick off promotions externally
They difference among them is around the component serving the promotion logic, therefore the alternatives names are based on it.
- Alternative A: weave gitops backend
- Alternative B: weave gitops api + pipeline controller + promotion executor
- Alternative C: promotions service (new service)
participant F as Flux
participant LC as Notification Controller (Leaf)
F->>LC: deploy helm release
LC->>wge: send deployment change event
participant wge as Weave Gitops Backend (Managment)
wge->>wge: authz and validate event
participant k8s as Kubernetes Api
wge->>k8s: get pipeline
wge->>wge: is promotion required
participant k8s as Kubernetes Api
wge->>promotionTarget: execute promotion strategy
participant promotionTarget as Promotion Target
This solution is different from pipeline controller
in that the three responsibilities:
- Notify deployment changes
- Determine whether a promotion is needed
- Execute the promotion
are fulfilled within weave gitops backend app.
- Already setup and should be more easily exposed.
- No need to manage other exposed surface, therefore less to secure.
- Notifier service account needs permissions for promotion resources.
- Current api layer is designed as an experience layer for users (humans) while the promotion webhook is intended for machines.
- Extends the api layer with rest api so it would require to manage both grpc and rest apis that would increase maintainability costs.
participant F as Flux
participant LC as Leaf Cluster
F->>LC: deploy helm release
LC->>WGE: notify deployment via notification controller
participant WGE as Weave Gitops API
participant k8s as Kubernetes Api
WGE->>k8s: write deployment event
participant pc as pipeline controller
k8s->>pc: watch deployment event & pipelines
pc->>pj: create promotion job
participant pj as promotion job
pj->>pj: promotion business logic
pj->>promotionTarget: execute promotion strategy
participant promotionTarget as Promotion Target
This solution is different from pipeline controller
in that the three responsibilities are split
- Notify deployment changes: ingestion is done via weave gitops api. The event is written in pipeline resource.
- Determine whether a promotion is needed: pipeline controller watches for changes in pipeline.
- Execute the promotion: extracted to a kubernetes job layer.
- Using ingestion layer so not increased operational costs.
- No need to generate TS client
- Pipeline controller with reconcile loop so canonical usage.
- Scalability and fault-tolerance by design.
- Needs for writing the pipeline resource.
- The most complex alternative.
- To extract the promotion execution logic into an external component, would require to also create a management layer between pipeline controller to the execution layer.
This solution would be to create a new component with the promotions responsibility.
participant F as Flux
participant LC as Notification Controller (Leaf)
F->>LC: deploy helm release
LC->>PS: notify deployment via notification controller
participant PS as Promotions Svc (Management)
PS->>PS: authz and validate event
participant k8s as Kubernetes Api
PS->>k8s: get pipeline
PS->>PS: is promotion required
participant k8s as Kubernetes Api
PS->>promotionTarget: execute promotion strategy
participant promotionTarget as Promotion Target
- Easiest to dev against (vs api solution).
- No controller so no reconcile loop executed (vs pipeline controller solution).
- Ee would need to create it from scratch.
- One more component to manage.
This section shows how the current proposal addresses the different scenarios specified in the product initiative. It serves as part of the acceptance of the current design.
The original scenario is specified here.
An example of a pipeline for this scenario is shown below.
kind: Pipeline
name: search
namespace: search
kind: HelmRelease
name: search-helmrelease
branch: main
- name: dev
- namespace: search
kind: GitopsCluster
name: dev
namespace: flux-system
- name: prod
- namespace: search
kind: GitopsCluster
name: prod
namespace: flux-system
It is covered by promotion business rules where we want to execute promotions by environment and by deployment target. This is the base scenario.
Original scenario specified here
An example of a pipeline for this scenario is shown below.
kind: Pipeline
name: search-multiple-targets
namespace: search
kind: HelmRelease
name: search-helmrelease
branch: main
- name: dev
- namespace: search
kind: GitopsCluster
name: dev
namespace: flux-system
- name: test
- namespace: search
kind: GitopsCluster
name: qa
namespace: flux-system
- namespace: search
kind: GitopsCluster
name: perf
namespace: flux-system
The particularity of this scenario is that we want to raise a PR for each of the deployment targets that we have. This is covered by promotion business rules rule #1
- Promotion tasks are applied to deployment targets.
Original scenario specified here
An example of a pipeline representing this scenario could be found
kind: Pipeline
name: search-multiple-targets
namespace: search
kind: HelmRelease
name: search-helmrelease
branch: main
- name: dev
- namespace: search
kind: GitopsCluster
name: dev
namespace: flux-system
- name: test
- namespace: search
kind: GitopsCluster
name: qa
namespace: flux-system
- namespace: search
kind: GitopsCluster
name: perf
namespace: flux-system
- name: prod
- namespace: search
kind: GitopsCluster
name: prod
namespace: flux-system
The particularity of this scenario, is that we want to promote to production as soon as a deployment to test has been successfully happen. This scenario is covered by promotion business rules rule #2
- Promotion between environment will happen when at least one of lower-environment deployment targets has been successfully deployed.
it will promote to prod as soon as a successful deployment to either qa
or perf
has happened.
Original scenario specified here
This scenario is currently supported by having Call Webhook promotion strategy. An example of pipeline for this story is shown below.
kind: Pipeline
name: search-multiple-targets
namespace: search
kind: HelmRelease
name: search-helmrelease
secretRef: my-jenkins-promotion-secret
- name: dev
- namespace: search
kind: GitopsCluster
name: dev
namespace: flux-system