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This repository was archived by the owner on Jun 20, 2024. It is now read-only.

NetworkPolicy only enforced in pod-to-pod traffic, not when using services #3452




What you expected to happen?

When following the kubernetes tutorial on declaring network policies, I expect wget from a unlabelled pod to the nginx service to timeout.

What happened?

When using wget on the service hostname, the nginx pod can be reached. When accessing it directly via pod IP access is blocked.

$ kubectl get pod,svc,networkpolicy -o wide
NAME                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE   IP          NODE                 NOMINATED NODE
pod/nginx-6f858d4d45-dt6fw   1/1     Running   0          35m   thesis-test-node-0   <none>

NAME                 TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)   AGE   SELECTOR
service/kubernetes   ClusterIP       <none>        443/TCP   37m   <none>
service/nginx        ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP    35m   run=nginx

NAME                                    POD-SELECTOR   AGE
networkpolicy.extensions/access-nginx   run=nginx      36m

$ kubectl run busybox --rm -ti --image=busybox /bin/sh
If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.
/ # wget --spider -T 1 nginx
Connecting to nginx (
/ # wget --spider -T 1
Connecting to (
wget: download timed out
/ # 

How to reproduce it?

As in the tutorial:

  1. kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --expose --port 80
  2. Store the policy:
$ echo 'kind: NetworkPolicy
> apiVersion:
> metadata:
>   name: access-nginx
> spec:
>   podSelector:
>     matchLabels:
>       run: nginx
>   ingress:
>   - from:
>     - podSelector:
>         matchLabels:
>           access: "true"' > nginx-policy.yaml
  1. And apply it: kubectl apply -f nginx-policy.yaml
  2. Finally test it:
$ kubectl run busybox --rm -ti --image=busybox /bin/sh
If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.
/ # wget --spider -T 1 nginx
Connecting to nginx (
/ # wget --spider -T 1
Connecting to (
wget: download timed out

Anything else we need to know?


$ kubectl exec -n kube-system weave-net-cr5ng -c weave -- /home/weave/weave --local status

        Version: 2.5.0 (up to date; next check at 2018/11/19 17:36:29)

        Service: router
       Protocol: weave 1..2
           Name: 42:21:66:1c:43:ea(thesis-test-node-0)
     Encryption: disabled
  PeerDiscovery: enabled
        Targets: 2
    Connections: 2 (1 established, 1 failed)
          Peers: 2 (with 2 established connections)
 TrustedSubnets: none

        Service: ipam
         Status: ready

$ kubectl version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"12", GitVersion:"v1.12.2", GitCommit:"17c77c7898218073f14c8d573582e8d2313dc740", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2018-10-30T21:39:16Z", GoVersion:"go1.11.1", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"darwin/amd64"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"11", GitVersion:"v1.11.3", GitCommit:"a4529464e4629c21224b3d52edfe0ea91b072862", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2018-09-09T17:53:03Z", GoVersion:"go1.10.3", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}


$  kubectl logs -n kube-system weave-net-cr5ng weave
INFO: 2018/11/19 10:26:19.277194 Command line options: map[docker-api: port:6783 expect-npc:true nickname:thesis-test-node-0 ipalloc-range: name:42:21:66:1c:43:ea no-dns:true conn-limit:100 db-prefix:/weavedb/weave-net http-addr: ipalloc-init:consensus=2 metrics-addr: datapath:datapath host-root:/host]
INFO: 2018/11/19 10:26:19.277535 weave  2.5.0
INFO: 2018/11/19 10:26:19.413898 Bridge type is bridged_fastdp
INFO: 2018/11/19 10:26:19.413917 Communication between peers is unencrypted.
INFO: 2018/11/19 10:26:19.420441 Our name is 42:21:66:1c:43:ea(thesis-test-node-0)
INFO: 2018/11/19 10:26:19.420486 Launch detected - using supplied peer list: []
INFO: 2018/11/19 10:26:19.442706 Unable to fetch ConfigMap kube-system/weave-net to infer unique cluster ID
INFO: 2018/11/19 10:26:19.442735 Checking for pre-existing addresses on weave bridge
INFO: 2018/11/19 10:26:19.567869 [allocator 42:21:66:1c:43:ea] No valid persisted data
INFO: 2018/11/19 10:26:19.588340 [allocator 42:21:66:1c:43:ea] Initialising via deferred consensus
INFO: 2018/11/19 10:26:19.588408 Sniffing traffic on datapath (via ODP)
INFO: 2018/11/19 10:26:19.588911 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2018/11/19 10:26:19.589128 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2018/11/19 10:26:19.590644 ->[] connection accepted
INFO: 2018/11/19 10:26:19.591129 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> connect: connection refused
INFO: 2018/11/19 10:26:19.591649 ->[|42:21:66:1c:43:ea(thesis-test-node-0)]: connection shutting down due to error: cannot connect to ourself
INFO: 2018/11/19 10:26:19.591986 ->[|42:21:66:1c:43:ea(thesis-test-node-0)]: connection shutting down due to error: cannot connect to ourself
INFO: 2018/11/19 10:26:19.594747 Listening for HTTP control messages on
INFO: 2018/11/19 10:26:19.595033 Listening for metrics requests on
INFO: 2018/11/19 10:26:20.165387 [kube-peers] Added myself to peer list &{[{42:21:66:1c:43:ea thesis-test-node-0}]}
DEBU: 2018/11/19 10:26:20.182226 [kube-peers] Nodes that have disappeared: map[]
INFO: 2018/11/19 10:26:22.343955 ->[] attempting connection
INFO: 2018/11/19 10:26:22.344454 ->[] error during connection attempt: dial tcp4 :0-> connect: connection refused
INFO: 2018/11/19 10:26:22.733128 ->[] connection accepted
INFO: 2018/11/19 10:26:22.743480 ->[|c6:6f:93:00:ed:2d(thesis-test-master)]: connection ready; using protocol version 2
INFO: 2018/11/19 10:26:22.743769 overlay_switch ->[c6:6f:93:00:ed:2d(thesis-test-master)] using fastdp
INFO: 2018/11/19 10:26:22.743898 ->[|c6:6f:93:00:ed:2d(thesis-test-master)]: connection added (new peer)
INFO: 2018/11/19 10:26:22.773344 ->[|c6:6f:93:00:ed:2d(thesis-test-master)]: connection fully established
INFO: 2018/11/19 10:26:22.811699 Discovered remote MAC c6:d8:31:34:af:1a at c6:6f:93:00:ed:2d(thesis-test-master)
INFO: 2018/11/19 10:26:22.812119 Discovered remote MAC 0a:f6:76:45:66:f4 at c6:6f:93:00:ed:2d(thesis-test-master)
DEBU: 2018/11/19 10:26:23.141074 registering for updates for node delete events
INFO: 2018/11/19 10:26:23.231335 Discovered remote MAC c6:6f:93:00:ed:2d at c6:6f:93:00:ed:2d(thesis-test-master)
INFO: 2018/11/19 10:26:23.249378 EMSGSIZE on send, expecting PMTU update (IP packet was 60028 bytes, payload was 60020 bytes)
INFO: 2018/11/19 10:26:23.251890 sleeve ->[|c6:6f:93:00:ed:2d(thesis-test-master)]: Effective MTU verified at 8888
INFO: 2018/11/19 10:58:04.192022 Discovered remote MAC 0a:f6:76:45:66:f4 at c6:6f:93:00:ed:2d(thesis-test-master)
INFO: 2018/11/19 11:00:48.028707 Discovered remote MAC c6:d8:31:34:af:1a at c6:6f:93:00:ed:2d(thesis-test-master)
WARN: 2018/11/19 11:00:57.189662 Vetoed installation of hairpin flow FlowSpec{keys: [EthernetFlowKey{src: 42:21:66:1c:43:ea, dst: 92:77:a6:28:80:15} InPortFlowKey{vport: 1}], actions: [OutputAction{vport: 1}]}
INFO: 2018/11/19 11:06:15.735723 Discovered remote MAC c6:6f:93:00:ed:2d at c6:6f:93:00:ed:2d(thesis-test-master)
INFO: 2018/11/19 11:28:06.466739 Discovered remote MAC 0a:f6:76:45:66:f4 at c6:6f:93:00:ed:2d(thesis-test-master)
INFO: 2018/11/19 11:34:39.677498 Discovered remote MAC c6:d8:31:34:af:1a at c6:6f:93:00:ed:2d(thesis-test-master)
INFO: 2018/11/19 11:45:35.058523 Discovered remote MAC c6:6f:93:00:ed:2d at c6:6f:93:00:ed:2d(thesis-test-master)


$ ip route
$ ip -4 -o addr
$ sudo iptables-save


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