Releases: web-infra-dev/rsbuild
Releases · web-infra-dev/rsbuild
What's Changed
New Features 🎉
- feat: Rsbuild doctor add webpack entry plugin @rsbuild/doctor-webpack-plugin
- feat(rsbuild-doctor):add entry plugin for rsbuild or rspack builder
Bug Fixes 🐞
- fix: rsbuild doctor delete the cloudurl property
- fix: optimize the rsbuild/doctor-core's exports config
Other Changes
- chore: adjust file size error to warning
- refactor: move resolveMainFields option to uni-builder
- refactor: move configPath option to uni-builder
- chore(deps): bump Rspack v0.3.14
What's Changed
New Features 🎉
- feat: handle errors when CLI command failed
Bug Fixes 🐞
- fix: should not print entry error when entry is set by plugins
- fix: context should be updated after modifyRsbuildConfig hook
- fix: should register config.plugins when using JavaScript API
- fix(deps): bump Rspack 0.3.13 to fix new Class error
Other Changes
- refactor: remove context.srcPath
What's Changed
Breaking Change
- refactor: rename source.entries to source.entry #534
Performance Improvements ⚡
- perf: prebundle gzip-size, rslog and more
- perf: lazy load prodServer module
New Features 🎉
- feat: support use index.cjs or index.mjs as the default entry
Bug Fixes 🐞
- fix(server): compiler closed delay when calling server.close
- hotfix: can't get rspack util in tools.rspack
Other Changes
- refactor: always use source.entries to set entry
- types: fix RsbuildPlugin do not provide API type by default
What's Changed
Performance Improvements ⚡
- perf(deps): prebundle connect and open
- perf: prebundle browserslist and bump autoprefixer
New Features 🎉
- feat(create-rsbuild): add new lit template
- feat: Rsbuild Doctor add rules to doctor-core package.
- feat(create-rsbuild): improve next steps message
- feat(deps): bump Rspack v0.3.12
- feat: always compile TS and JSX files
Bug Fixes 🐞
- fix(create-rsbuild): missing tsconfig.json in vanilla template
- fix(create-rsbuild): incorrect title in sample code
Other Changes
- chore(type): update server.close as an async function
- refactor: extract rem as a standalone plugin
- chore: compile hmr-client as es5
- chore(server): adjust printURLs, httpServer and dev compile execution order
- refactor: move disableCssModuleExtension config to uni-builder
What's Changed
Performance Improvements ⚡
- perf: prebundle picocolors dependency
- perf(shared): prebundle webpack-chain and webpack-sources
- perf(core): remove strip-ansi dependency
- perf: add prebundle scripts and bundle deepmerge
- perf(core): remove filesize dependency
- perf: prebundle fs-extra and url-join
New Features 🎉
- feat(cli): restart dev server when config file changed
- feat(create-rsbuild): add new vanilla template
Bug Fixes 🐞
- hotfix(server): should print url with distPath.html
- hotfix(doc): use rspress next version to adapt rsbuild server
Other Changes
- chore: using exports.types to replace typesVersion
- chore(core): remove lodash dependency
- chore(deps): bump html-rspack-plugin v5.5.5
- chore(server): route.json is no longer needed
- chore: add prod-server e2e test cases and support not printURLs when preview
What's Changed
Performance Improvements ⚡
- perf: integrate html-rspack-plugin to reduce dependencies
New Features 🎉
- feat(server): should print urls by html entry
- feat(plugin-react): split react-refresh to lib-react.js
- feat: doctor-core add shared inner plugins
Bug Fixes 🐞
- fix(webpack): add missing dependencies for compiled packages
- hotfix(dev-server): support access page without suffix
- fix(server): remove useless serverOptions, and fix https urls not print when set https
Other Changes
- chore(deps): bump html-rspack-plugin v5.5.4
- chore: rename hmr path to /rsbuild-hmr
- refactor: move sri plugin to uni-builder
- refactor(core): merge asset plugins to a single plugin
- refactor: simplify rsbuild dev-related configurations #444
- types: provide all static assets types
- refactor: move lazyCompilation plugin to uni-builder
- types: unify plugin hooks type
- types: add configuration files and simplify queries
- refactor: move disableInlineRuntimeChunk to uni-builder
Bug 修复 🐞
- fix(server): 移除无用的 serverOptions 配置,并修复 https url 打印错误
What's Changed
- feat: add proxy & favicon fallback middlewares
Bug Fixes 🐞
- fix: doctor delete webpack4
- fix: doctor sdk server router tests supply
- fix(core): failed to read NODE_ENV in config file
Other Changes
- chore: update stats chunk type
What's Changed
Performance Improvements ⚡
- perf: make open browser faster
New Features 🎉
- feat: add builtin assets and CSS modules types
- feat: support dynamicImportMode.eager and preserveAllComments'
- feat(create-rsbuild): update all pages in templates
- feat(create-rspack): add dev --open option by default
- feat: add rsbuild doctor innerplugin utils to @rsbuild/doctor-core
- feat: only enable progress bar in production
- feat: add Rsbuild server, decouple with Modern.js server
- feat: replace pretty-time and improve time format
- feat(cli): add new --open option for dev command
Bug Fixes 🐞
- fix: url logs break the progress bar
- fix(deps): add missing dependencies to core and shared
- fix(webpack): disable webpack performance hints
- fix: doctor utils time test error
Other Changes
- refactor: extract assetsRetry as a standalone plugin
- chore: use findUp utils to replace pkg-up dep
- refactor: move source.moduleScopes to uni-builder
- refactor: move source.globalVars option to uni-builder
What's Changed
New Features 🎉
- feat: support html.template as a function
- feat(deps): bump Rspack v0.3.11
- feat: support html.templateParameters as a function
- feat: support html.title as a function
- feat: support html.favicon as a function
- feat: support html.inject as a function
Other Changes
- refactor: move html.titleByEntries option to uni-builder
- refactor: remove source.compileJsDataURI option
- refactor: merge HTML plugins into a unified plugin
- chore: remove cssnano from shared package
- types: fix source.alias type
What's Changed
New Features 🎉
- feat(plugin-svelte): allow to set options of svelte-loader
- feat: support html.meta to be a function
- feat: add default meta configs and simplify the templates
Other Changes
- refactor: move html.metaByEntries option to uni-builder